"It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, and speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
The Word, the Will, and the Way, the code of living in a conscious life. Living my life through a heart mind connection is the key to living in a manner that makes sacred all endeavors.
The intuitive is what connects the heart and mind connection. The intuitive is the searching thread that minds all action to its original Source. In learning to listen this way, one can be in the past, present, and future at one time, and feel out the order needed.
Each word, each feeling, threads through your Divine Connection with your original pattern. The feeling of calm is centered by this, and listening is your most accurate skill. Intention is marked deeply by this listening, and the fluidial content of your life is moved through your connection to the power of the Word.
Each fluidial grace accommodates your exactness and gentle calm. Allow your heart felt connection to guide your decisions, not judgment. Ask, Listen, Flow--Hit the mark, exact each time.
Hear the Word, mark your Will with love and know the Way is guided by your own Heart of Gold. Mote it Be.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#57 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern resonates into a momentual pulsation to formulate a quantralized momentual sound shield from the dimension of Six.
Rotate and Command this pattern to deepen your Heart Mind connection.
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Intuition...inner tutor, an awesome association! And your inner thread searching is the intuitive, what a visual to hang onto...thank you!!