"The window of opportunity is opening, the chance to make a fresh start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "The day of fortune is harvest day. We must be busy when the corn is ripe.", J.W. Goethe.
What is inside the circle, what is outside the circle, and what is a wedded circumference? These are questions that rise within me this morning. A wedded circumference is a circle that connects and rises to the next level, then circles again and connects to a rising factor.
When we rise in this world it is because we have connected to another circle. We do not live alone, climb alone, or succeed alone. We connect to what will hold us up or reach down to pull us up.
What is it today that will hold us up or reach an arm down? I cannot always see what to connect to, but I reach my hand up or down, depending on where I am in the vine of potential.
Life is so incomed by power and surrender. Both can go hand in hand. One time I have the strength and power to raise up, and others I must bend down and pull up.
The circle of Life is turning and spinning so fast now, that we have become locomotive. A speed of elemental cooperation. This is the power of the wheel. The Word and the Way. Power is always in the asking. Grateful for Logos.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#11 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint balances the holographic vortexial energy system, so that penetration of energy beyond Self can be received more easily. This allows the spirit of the Dream to enter into an intimate daily relationship with one's Life.
[To see more Celtic Healing Imprints visit us here:
Thank you for the Words of encouragement that sit behind the sounds of loss, they are there to hold us up and lift the spirit of ease. Bless you!!