"A change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plan to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether)." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This sounds so right for today, isn't intuitive alchemy just grand? It allows so much more to line up and become more comfortable before you begin, because intuitively you've already begun. Trust in your self in this process is essential in allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, and entertainment. Breakfast in the Garden with family this morning, conversations about the upcoming main menu, gives us all more freedom, and a greater ability to hatch out of the Cosmic Egg, Ether, because we've planned a week ahead for the menu of the upcoming alchemy necessary to succeed our practice, our joy, our immersement. Peep, peep, cheep, cheep. Grateful. Ether Seed of Fire, Incubation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.