
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Air Seed of Water: Calm

"Although a holiday may provide a temporary respite & clear the head, this is not the time to 'tear up roots'. It is just such plateaus that determine the strength of our resolve & the worthiness of our projects. Pay attention to the details, take no unnecessary risks, practice relaxation, meditation, enjoy saunas & massages. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) & your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have established & permits the cycle to roll over into new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up late riding with the tide of this time. There is much shifting in little tides of movement that counter the expressional needs. The feeling of this time is calling for more ease & letting go, so the tantrums can give relief to those that need it.

More inward today as the weather recommends. There is much now that secures love & compassion, & this will yield more ease & relationship. I am ready for what is now emerging creatively, but it is much larger than I thought.

Deep breaths & believing in what we can now give fully. Many new levels of acceptance unfolding & the speed has increased to create room. Life does know us & it will assist if we give it room.

It is all in the palm of our hands receiving. I let go & listen, my greatest power.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity


#7 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This creates the time & space magnificence, necessary for form to be seen & heard. As light passes through vibrational vortex matrixes it adjusts patterning essence, creating holographic form seen. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

 "Fire Seed of Fire is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Your problem is keeping the flame at just the right intensity, neither so low that the embers die, nor so high that the 'glass egg' or alembic (retort) bursts, ruining the experiment. Enthusiasm is Fire personified, the psychological realm. Enthusiasm is a force that irresistibly burns away the dross, to leave the purified molten gold at the bottom of the crucible. Only with enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem."., Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I seem to have been deeply inside the alchemical position of The Word, Ether Seed of Air for 2 days. Saw 2 films on Albert Einstein yesterday & he did not believe the ether of alchemy. Maybe that is what is wrong with our current equations.

Large energy equations shift in change, & I personally like ether in the mix. Einstein, such a powerfully beautiful & intense man, was so full of fire, I doubt he could even see the Ether he was. It is hard to see the very element you are.

I am so aware of Ether, because of the Raven that I am. I had so much Kundalini fire moving through me, that I have had to lay down & allow it to move through me. It is like if you can't beat it join it. This is life, so many things in life, if you cannot beat them join them.

Spiritual & Physical change is like that. Today I will take a small walk & do small things, that will assist in large change. 'It is the small that large stands on.' Clarity.

I will be the small that large can build on.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#8 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint activates the processing of calculation of dream recognition in energy support form, for exchange of energy. [Visit our site for more: ].

Monday, September 27, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

"A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I woke up with the question of what is really new? And what is really old, & what is really new in what is really old? As we bring on what we think is really new, we must look to see if it is really ancient.

We can't make something from nothing & what does nothing hold that already was? We last night watched an independent Aussie film by Mark Webber, "A Place of No Words". At first I did not understand what it had meant to me, but it came powerfully in my dreams.

One point in the film it pointed out how all the wilder language of animals & flowers of the woods was disappearing from our children's words. Language like moss, tansy, pussy willow, chicory, flax, forget-me-not, clover, daffodil, phlox, poppy, bluebell, dandelion, nasturtium,  Primrose, Iris, hollyhock, violets, cornflower, & snapdragon. These are words that they are not taught in school.

In this I woke up & realized the way words flower & banks were being lost to a much bigger part of the future than we realize. We have done a flower, animal, & tree Dreamtime Oracle to allow us & children to hear the heart & words of this world, but now we must create a Dreamtime 2 that includes the wilder voices of these. 

The Word, the carrier of the generations of Life through time.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity  

#1c Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint works in support of System Key Recall, for Evolutionary Processing of Sight Revolutionary Movement around voleculatorial sound penetration. This enables one to see to Sound, before Sound occurs in the third dimensional perceptional awareness. Voleculatorial sound penetration is sound quantralized, and this sound is not heard in this dimension, but felt. [Visit our site for more: ].

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

"The right amount of tempered optimism & enthusiasm fire the kiln, bringing your endeavors a step closer to completion. Tend the oven, sustain the flames & keep sight of the desired end. Those who fall asleep at the hearthstone awaken to ashes & embers. There exists a transcendent reconciler that arises when opposing forces clash; if we can but intuit it. Things & events come in 3's, & when you discover the 3rd point of the triangle, the OPUS will be successfully completed.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "The stone, which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner.", Psalms 118.22 "Everything moves in phases, & the chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance over-laying order & rhythm. All human success results from discernment of patterns in nature.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I included more from Magical Tattwas today, because this portion is very strong right now. I slept deep & long last night & I feel more solid, but distant in some way. I feel I am working deeply with a totally new pattern & maybe this is the OPUS.

There is much struggle in this world to understand & place blame, but it is all of us that are seeking a new pattern of awareness, to help us make a real leap of faith.

What is up & what is down are starting to look the same, only the geography changes. I am going to sit with this & wait to see the 3rd pattern, The Opus, The Triangle, the Pyramidial of nature's answers.

A new pattern is beginning to appear, watch for it, it will create a whole new rhythm that will balance all.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

#1 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This Imprint allows the Self to cenzerwith its vibratory patterning of Avalon. Recall is then accelerated , which brings the Etheric Realm into matched vibration of intent of rememory, as guided by Highest Potential. [Visit our site for more: ]

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

"Fire & Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. A period of introversion & sluggishness is coming to an end. Patience & perseverance will result in a beneficial settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Energy is such a fickle partner, you have it when you do not need it & then you don't have it when you do need it. Up till 2 am, & slept till 10 am., 8 hrs., but what a journey to get it.

I love late night, because that is when I can play more easily. So many ideas come forward when the world is asleep. I can tell the difference & it is how I get around the impossible. 8 hrs. sleep, but not in the so called proper order.

Sometimes, to persevere you have to find another way to enter & break through the wall of impossibility. This is the pioneering part of creativity, & this is the way of the explorative life.

If it won't work in regular time, one must find an irregular time for it to happen & flow through. Hours, minutes, schedules, energy all mix up & create a feeling of frustration, but the fire will push the air on through, or vise versa.

One must allow the irregular to move the regular out of its order, to find a new way of perceiving. Perseverance is the door that opens opportunity for me. In this, what seemed impossible becomes possible, especially if you stay up to play.

~ Raven Su.Sane


#12 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Joy Is Yours

Joy is your gift. Joy is your truth. Joy is your center. Joy is Highest Potential felt. [Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, September 24, 2021

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

 "The moon controls the tides of Earth & the tide is turning high. Carpe Deum. Grasp the day. It is appropriate to move from the subjective world of planning to the objective world of concretely instigating.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I consider this one of the most bossy of the alchemical positions, & sometimes I just want to say no. Wonder if I pull a no out of my yes jar? I feel more inside than outside today. I will gradually come out of my covers of dreaming & see what has fire under my feet.

Water seed of earth is all about 'Do it Now'. 'Positive action is called for. Initiative is the initiation of Reality. Vigorously pursuing your aim will see bonuses.' Bossy, that is what I am not ready for today.

I too well know timing is timing, & I need to find a what, in that I can build my enthusiasm & flow around. Watch for the loose thread that falls & grab it. That is what I would advise myself.

I will allow the Yes to thread in a gentler way, so I can get used to what is now ready to sew up. Alliances so needed & palms out to connect.

Symbols, when two people match in symbols, alliance can happen. I seem to have spent so much energy preparing that I feel I might not have enough left to initiate.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

#3 Pleiadian Creativity Outer Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

This symbol causes this movement to go beyond sound misperceptions. Apply it when the word is challenged. [Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

"Air, the seed, is the deep wellspring of inspiration (filled with spirit) & the driving force of aspiration. Do not turn your foundation into cement, prematurely, by becoming obsessed with the material elements. This is the phase for starting & building the base for the future. Make sure you have included all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I woke up with the words, 'color & line create memory'. I guess  that is odd, but not necessarily for a patternists & artist. This rarely happens & it lifted me up into the mind of creativity that I need today.

Robert & I will teach our grandson, David, today & we must become an open book to his creative nature. We will see who teaches who, & that is an adventure in itself.

We have just begun our new website: . It has all begun & the greatest thing to give forward to him & ourselves is 'within everything is the seed of everything. All that is without is also within'. Solomon Trismosin, Alchemical Wanderings. This is foundational for the creative life, but so easy to forget.

The world pattern is the opposite & it is hard, at times, to remember beyond its hard press. I will open myself to the now present & fall down the Rabbit Hole of this day. To Aspire is to drop down into what inspires.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#7 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Mountain Pennyroyal, Sunflower, Crown Imperial

This trinity of flowers moves processed informational concepts into triaxillary rotations, which in turn creates limitless conceptual molecular structure in Body Zero bone, tissue, & organ levels. These triaxiallary are what creates the momentum for the Body Zero projectional change * set at highest potential form seen. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

"Everything moves in phases, & the chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance over-laying order & rhythm. Someone once said that 'civilization is the intelligent monitor of e-motion', feeling is a method of kindling a blaze, & with the right mixture of fire & care, the circumstances portend well for the future.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Woke up gently with a sense of toy dreams.I love toy dreams, they seem more rare now. I was looking at small toys, but I was also a small toy. I loved a small cloth pen.

We are going kayaking this morning, & have not been for about a month. Magical times come from this water memory. We will paint in our kayak & this is fire on water. 

The alchemy of fire seed of earth rises this time to allow all my senses to the new time of alchemy. I realize so much & then I realize I have just begun. This time is secretive, because of the dream of small toy worlds.

This means much now is folding into small to allow more room for the imaginational. Egypt works with this in its most ancient of times & the life they saw in their miniatures & the statuary of large and small interrelating. At this time there is nothing that should be missed. Quiet, to let small things flourish.

~ Raven Su.Sane

#8 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Thought formulations are mobilized into pattern equations of dispensorial matter, so that movement can be seen as form for registry and recalculation. This imprint motivation the equation into specifications desired form. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "Water & Fire are mutually antagonistic, but both are necessary to drive a locomotive successfully. Water & Fire, in the right proportions, are needed for growth. Aqua Vita provides the moisture for the Seed in the Earth's womb, while Fire can bring a gentle heat, spurring the elements to harmoniously blend. The result is germination followed by a sprouting above ground. You are the alchemical Fire in the Fire phase of development.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I re-routed my morning just to change & support this angle. I went out the back porch door just for a peep, & ended up doing my Chi Gong, meditation, & Lemniscate 20 minute Walk, & my day is more aligned within me.

Now writing from the breath of this. I just moved this without any deciding factor, & I felt so counciled by that 'Force' of need within me. There is such a flow within us that it can carry us through most days, if we only allow.

Our bodies know our organ alchemy, & which ones need new angles & more flow. Time then becomes subservient to our Soul level of appliance. The more Voice we allow our Soul, the more our bodies speak & nourish.

I do not think I felt this so deep before, as I have this morning. Something has shifted, & I am grateful for its inner power. On the 20 minute Lemniscate walk of the figure 8, Infinity, I intended to ask for more understanding & ease of this time, & I so feel this morning is an answer.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

#2 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck 

Sound Beyond Sound From Center

Hear the word of truth beyond the sounds of misperception, & feel the clarity of Center. [Visit our site for more: ].

Monday, September 20, 2021

Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "Success is assured when you bathe with Fire & dry with Water. It does require a very skillful alchemist to burn Fire under Water, & indeed to float Fire upon a bed of Water.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Inside a morning that squares our perspective is where we need to be, to make this easier. The time it takes to listen is much shorter than one thinks. In so many ways we push on thinking the push knows more than we do.

This morning I feel I have no time for anything, but there is nothing more important than taking time to take care of myself. I realize I must, as always, wait for it to come to me. If I don't push it always will. 

After so many years of throwing myself out to go to school, take care of the children, & work, I am in new territory as I grow more intuitive each day. What we accomplish is so much part of our self esteem. This is not easy to undo.

Loving my body, take care of my body, listen to my feelings & subtle nuances is a new language that I stopped my old life to learn. After 30 years I am still learning in deeper layers that have become automatic & even robotic.

A new language that finds the castle, roots out the briars, & coaxes me awake to a real life.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#3 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Oak, Sesame Seed, Phlox

This trinity works in support of the calculatorial process of formulizational transcendence of Body Zero tissue level concordance, with the sound patternizations of the harmonica flow of pattern envelopment, into sound felt & sonar scan achieved, through the harmonization of thought pattern limitations, changed into the omnidirectional sensation of bliss felt. [Visit our site for more: ].

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire seed of Ether (Space). This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. Such a change, if handled correctly, will be fruitful in the realms of company or personal reorganization, spiritual growth, & creative inspiration. Fire, when combined with Ether (Space), becomes transformative & even transmutative. Fire embodies the Soul of desire, motivation, achievement, & enthusiasm. When combined with Ether (boundless space) it produces a current of limitlessness. Enthusiasm is the Key.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Slept well last night & deeply. Using our dream sand box to understand our dreams & the door of content to open. Today being an opening to the next level of our work & focus.

Today, a setting of many things into place. This time is more willing to look more deeply into the square to see a new perspective. Allowing time for the message to coagulate, I breathe in deeply to hear, not argue, but to hear.

As we travel the distance of transmutation we can only do it in our own shoes. The joy of life is finding the shoes that truly fit. Stepping out of other's shoes is the only way to step into yours. Today I can move in my shoes so I will lace them up & step forward, to be grounded through the door I have closed open.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#4 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the particlization of molecular energy into projected movement, through dimensional space & time. [Visit our site for more: ].

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

 "Space (Ether) is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches. You need to open yourself to the possibility of an adventurous journey, either of locality or mind & spirit. Widen your vistas & expand your horizon. The chick pecking its way out of the egg, is strengthening neck muscles, so the head will be supported upon escaping the broken shell. Now is the time for 'cracking the cosmic egg'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Restless last night, too much energy to sleep easily. Got up to write next piece of work. What is it that seeks us in the night that seems to not have sought us in the day?

I am more acquainted with worry, but this was not the energy of yesterday, or last night. Creation, reclamation, & liberation was more the type running through my frame. I can only begin to nurture the spring of life that now is rising.

I only hope that the center of every storm in our world is reclamation. We have now completed our dream sand box & the doorway it has opened is centered today around balance, restoration, & rebirth.

I open myself to the courage of ease & peer through the veil at the truth of blessings of this time & what it reclaims is what was thought never available.

We are creating space for our deepest selves & there is room for No as well as Yes.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity  

#11 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprintsial Pattern works with the calculatorial speed of time space center of Being. This speed enables Body Zero to removed the time space measure limit.This measure limit keeps the calculatorial speed from reaching the rate of vibratory speed. This imprint assures time space Center of Being to be one with Body Zero. [Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, September 17, 2021

Air Seed of Water: Calm

"Pay attention to the details, take no unnecessary risks, practice relaxation, meditation, auto-hypnosis, & enjoy saunas & massages. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) & your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunities.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Opening up the deepest presence in my life, I cradle my heart into feeling more powerfully at this time. To come into the newest threads of listening, I allow the mystery in life to give sustenance to me. 

How does one now emerges from these days spent in preparation? To begin when one realizes they have already begun & did not even see how. Small listenings, subtle threads, weftings in the air, fractals of living, now all noticed.

When life becomes too emerged in others, the subtle needs are not fully felt, as the direction begins to change. One step caught in the felt of another. When hope becomes dressed up as courage there is stress that is pushing it around.

Courage is what one needs when they cannot hear the subtle clicks of time moving beyond the stress & into the calm that is not waiting, but is fully seated inside oneself. Listen, all will come walking gently through. Air Seed of Water, moisten the paper so it will not crack.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity


#3 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Expressive Colorative Formulator

Vibrational Imprint of color expressing harmonically forth into light penetration directional vibration, that enables one to express Love in emotion of Joy Bliss State.... How to formulate expression. [Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

 "Air, the Seed, is the deep well-spring (filled with the spirit) & the driving force of aspiration. Do not turn your foundation into cement, prematurely, by becoming obsessed with the material at the expense of creativity or idealism.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Each day creates its own rhythm if we let it & this rhythm is true to its course. How is the impossible reached & conveyed each day in our lives? I feel it is through this connection with the individual rhythm of each day & what it aspires to be.

"Our culture has divided mind & body (Cartesean dualism), brain & spinal cord (Instinct), cerebral cortex & limbic system (appropriateness), slain intuition (Inner tutor) for logic, & castrated emotion for thinking.", Dr. John Mumford, A Chakra & Kudalini Workbook.

The nesting doll is a very good way of seeing how everything comes out of everything. The contrary phase of time as it reaches place is felt more than seen. This is why, at times, we realize more than we can explain.

The source of longing is often hidden from us till we become more willing to be in the unknown for this alchemical process. There is a part of us that has the deepest of memory that knows exactly what elements to use to make the 'keystone', the 'Perfect Cubic Ashlar'.

This is more intuitive, because it is deep in the thread of remembering. Today I will just reach out & what comes to my hand to be my tool for today's aspiration. Allowing room around my hands to create & insight my life in one day.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#10 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint brings the understanding through Knowing & Feeling. This creates Self aware of past selves, so that integration balances both polarity energies into wholeness. This over-rides misperception ideas of polarity. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

 "A delicate alchemical balance can be maintained with a diligence between the fires of unconscious creativity & stoking this fire with congruent activity of the conscious mind--which is air to fire. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge which connects the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. An initial phase of introspective withdrawal will resolve into a condition of beneficial settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up at 4 am to finish writing the pieces for this week's Alchemical Rede Class, 'Now, The Rabbit Hole'. Time seems to be moving much faster, & I seem to occupy most of it more fully. The spilling over of time & space seems to be more overtly seen.

It seems to be that time is uncorrugating much depth that could not be reached before. I am enfolding more of a responsial mode of being within the entirety of one moment.

'Now' is like a Babushka of nesting dolls showing me the time that is inside the same time. One moment can become an infinity of moments, all in one moment, when allowed. A little overwhelming, but so satisfying.

This is what one finds in sand play. Robert & I are making, today, a Sand box for Dream play. Each figure being a door to your dreaming Self. This will create a relationship with our dreaming Self & the information to be realized.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#12 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Perceptional Blockage Removal of Perception of State of Disharmony 

Vibration which allows blockage of harmony to release, within the most harmonious state of release. This avoids the cathartic state of release, that most blockages are perceived to demand...How to move blocks. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

 "Water Seed of Ether presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement. It is advisable to navigate each stage steadily & thoughtfully, creating a synergy with others. This is a period for solutions through meditation & mediation. Efforts should be directed toward building solid bridges of communication & empathy.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early & feel more solid, & starting to see part of the new patterns we are building. The shape & curve of it is visible & not visible. Many new turns & new ideas more available.

Built a story-telling sand box on the table in our bedroom, & it was so magical to set up & work with. Any box, wooden or not, could be used. Small toy figures, sacred & not, all become available for the expression. White play sand, the best.

To feel yourself talking to yourself, through your own story-telling hands. As life moves or inquiry needed, you add a piece to your dream stories. You can move through your dream stories without thinking it out. The sand play allows itself to talk inside any size box. As adults we need this so much.

Yesterday Robert & I also walked the Lemniscate together. It is the figure 8, & as we walked it for 20 minutes I could feel so much more allowing & healing. Both these are a synergy we want to create, to bring the magic of meditation & story, & dreams, to expand in our lives. 

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#2 Pleiadian Creativity Outer Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This symbol causes this movement to penetrate the field of doubt. Apply it when understanding is misperceived. [Visit our site for more ].

Monday, September 13, 2021

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

 "The square is the Earth, the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystalized, & actualized. 'Squaring the Circle' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that objective conception & birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Hearing this very squarely in this day, I realize today we will begin the next levels of our work. Publishing the next book, 'The Leviathan' & building our second website besides, ,

We are very excited & have rearranged most of the material we will need. We are also excited that our grandson, David, as part of his Home School Studies, will work with us in small theater video & animation. This will be wonderful on this new site. He is so creative in many individual ways.

Squaring the Circle is esoteric alchemy that then opens the physical manifestation of what one dreams, & the perspective origamic view needed to begin. Once the perspective is shifted, the door opens & the way is seen clear.

There is no real figuring, but essentially the allowing of the question. Ask for a squared perspective on anything & the origamic fold will begin until the view is balanced & the perspective changes completely.

I am going to ask for this for the whole world at this time. May we all see the clarity of what we truly need.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#3 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint is the gateway into etherial fluvial pathway system that allows the present Body Holograph to adjust its vibration into harmony with the Land of Enchantment. [Visit our site for more: ].

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

 "Fire & Air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding & Fire is grateful. A new dimension of satisfaction can prevail by eschewing both dependent & independent stances for a relationship of interdependence & creative cooperation. An initial phase of introspective withdrawal will resolve into a condition of beneficial settlement. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge which connects the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. A shift from passion to compassion is required; take time to contemplate in the temple of the heart atop the summit mountain of the diaphragm.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Color is so involved in me & I take it in as breath, & it ignites the pattern in me. All color rests on my black & white. I am a true oracular of color. 

Today I feel it changing my life as it involves me deeper into my imagination. I have imagined for days the order & placement of the color in our home, & have found that it pulls me deeper into what I have dreamed with the Bees & their hived presence in our garden.

The orange, red, & yellow of the nasturtiums have guardianed our capacity for love & beauty. She assists assimilation & this in turn keeps our most imaginative parts of our life integrated & given to. She blooms easily & stays late in the season, so the hive is fed.

Our kitchen is like a nasturtium & is in all her colors, so we have brought her richness inside. She is the bridge between the enthusiastic doer & the idealistic conceiver. Plant her, grow her, let her fill your garden & become one who is in Mutual Harmony.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 


#4 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

One Clarity, Many Centers of Self

Recognition of Self is the discernment of the individuality of all centers, centered in the one clarity, which is the Dream, beyond misperceptions of what experiencing really is, beyond the spinning vortexial spiral of Life, known as downward spiraling. [Visit our site for more: ].

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

 "Any anxiety you may be experiencing is the result of an awareness of impending change, or resistance to this growing Seed of modification or reworking. It is important to discriminate between change as a verb or noun. Change as a noun means the result of making something different, while change as a verb carries the implication to make something different. Ultimately this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new Positive Phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I find I occupy this phase of alchemy quite often. Maybe because I am a Raven or that I have Transformation in my house of purpose. All our work is about transformation & transmutation.

We are Creative Visionary artists who work with transformative transmutative art. We are the Ida & Pingala rising all our work into the balancing of the Knowing & Feeling into Recognition, 3rd part of insight of wisdom that then, in itself, balances everything into love.

This is codial, & has taken us many years of working together, as the male & female rising our understanding into our 3rd part Recognition, as union with our Divine discriminator. 

We are gradually finding ways to share this with all who are ready, & in turn we can manifest a more balanced, wise, open, & loving world. This takes a great deal of courage, listening, commitment, & constant change.

This work gives the imprintsial tools to become  transformed, transcended, transmutative, & tranformational of all unbalanced life around us. These are a truly daily building blocks you imprint & utilize at will.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#5 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the potentized energy to release its misperception field space & time lock. Use this to create holographic pain release--eighth dimension harmonic pattern. [Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, September 10, 2021

Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "Water & Fire are natural enemies--opposing forces. Fire boils Water & Water attempts to drown Fire--The tension it takes to hold together is balanced precariously with the tension which blows things apart. Where differences are recognized & the intuitive properties of the water element are combined with cognitive faculties of Fire element, the result may be productive in the outer world. It requires a very skilled alchemist to burn Fire under water & indeed to float Fire upon a bed of Water. This in turn assures success.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The seed essence of containment will alone supplement the body in days like this, when the containment of rainwater will insure a certain amount of grace & forgiveness. I prepare this morning for our Alchemical Rede Class, & I feel a letting down of the efforts of this week & how my body subtly releases its jurisdiction.

The Water runs through my charred areas of alchemical need. Answers come and go, relate, & relieve. I am more accustomed to a slower smaller move in this time, but not this week. I kept the Fire fed, even if at times I felt a bit lit too high.

The narrow of each day needed to be widened & rewritten & recalculated. It is amazing that the rise of one seed attracts a whole garden & the woods must make room for the meadow lark. I do know this position & I have learned to do this when needed. 

I will begin with a hot shower & some yoga to engage some conversation with my appetite for movement. Tiny steps wisely laid creates success in this alchemically fired time.

Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#11 Flower Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Mugwort, Yellow Jasmine, Lavender

This trinitizational volume vocalizer is the processional pentacle that envelopes the form felt, before manifestational process is actually seen. This trinity will help evolve the form felt in the Dream of the heart of Gold, to find formalization equational balance, to manifest in the next level without mutational slips. [Visit our site for more ]

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

"This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. A doorway out is opening up. Ultimately this change can be beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Upset last night, too many decisions & not enough answers. Made sure I did my yoga this morning, to make sure I come into conversation with my own appetite for movement. 2/3rds done with what is now needed for the ease of change & new work.

Beginning to feel life on the other side of this deep pitch. There is a great depth required to sift the chaff from the wheat. There is such a deep internal with the external at this time & one cannot miss or skip this, because it is essential in personal & world balance.

There is such a stress to be able to go out & return, but this is not the pattern of the future, & the future pattern will keep unsetting the past pattern until it no longer can push on through. What is now required is compassion, listening, & allowing breath to expand & purify.

I feel the frame of the new level & that is Immense. I also am sorting through the old situations of my life & bringing in room for their value & conclusion, so what was once not needed is now valued & cared for.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

#7 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

The Seed Essence From Beyond 

The seed essence from Beyond holds the clarity of the Dream, & the truth that goes beyond the misperceptions that created the separation patterning that all was created from. [Visit our site for more: ].

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

 "Because men do not perfectly believe or imagine. The result is that arts are uncertain when they might be wholly certain.", Paracelsus 1493-1541. "The seed of dissatisfaction & restlessness is growing steadily in a rich soil of inertia, complacency, & apathy--the Vesica Pisces gives birth to a positive result. A Karmic wrapping up of the past with the present is necessary for advancement & the sight of new horizons. The bitter with the sweet, highs & lows, peaks & valleys, all coagulate at this time, enabling personal integration & growth. A germinal vision will soon emerge.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I long for, in so many ways, to be done with this movement & go safely back to bed for a day, but I know that I just need a little more perseverance. This is how stress evolves, when I want to be in 2 places in time at once.

I must choose one, so I will breathe in Love & breathe out fear. So many things draw on us before we are there, & the closer I get to being finished, the more retrospective I gain. Moving everything around allows me to see the potential of a new perspective, new relationship, new ways of creating I have not encountered before.

When one changes their home, environment, view, there is a shift, change, increase, in potential. This is Feng Shui, because the balancing of direction, angle, means, & thought open the creative spirit to flight.

Just change a small thing can change a large position of doubt. Try it, something small & seemingly insignificant. Move it, watch what it affects.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#11 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint balances the holographic vortexial energy system, so that penetration of energy beyond Self can be received more easily. This allows the spirit of the Dream enter into an intimate daily relationship with one's life. [Visit our site for more: ].

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

 "Start & emphasize Creativity. Deep within the mountain is the alchemist's furnace containing the flame of your vision; the fire radiates the warmth that germinates the seed of your aspiration. The process is one of building the foundation around an original idea which, like the Philosopher's Stone, turns everything to gold. Make decisions based around your priorities, while nurturing the seed & erecting the infrastructure. Carefully evaluate what alchemical tools & resources you have, rather than what you haven't. Be creative, original, & innovative with what is right there now. It is not what you have, but how you use what you have.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting in all that is separated out & spilling over, I begin to see this as a vaster move than I first thought. All is connected, & one fine movement leads to the next. It is moving all the fibers for the future.

I must spin my head a bit, so I can see in all directions, so I made sure I started with my yoga & its conversation & appetite for movement. How many solitary movements for the future are needed, in addition with all that is connected in ones circulatory, creative, imaginary, meditative, sharing spaces?

In life I find if I move one space I must be willing to move all that is needed to support it. This is & creates potential. What life then gives is a communicating that is needed to create the heat & flow that balances as it goes. We contain all that is in every moment & this is a communion with the Divine in ourselves. Sit, bend, lift, & muse. 

"Earth is the womb; Fire is the Seed; Time gestates, Fire smelts Earth & tempers steel--watch the Fire.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#6 Pleiadian Inner Creativity Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the Holographic Projection into dimensionalized thought. [Visit our site for more: ].

Monday, September 6, 2021

Air Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer

"Air feeds Fire, sparkles water, nourishes Earth. Air is Jacob's 2-way ladder, from above to below & below to above. The present situation requires a conscious 2-way stretch. Become like Janus, who looks both back & forward, simultaneously. The future grows out of the present, which in turn is a product of the past. Relaxed alertness is desirable. Watch you P's & Q's, dot your I's & cross your T's. Decision--check if the left nostril is open, wait until the right nostril is clear before finalizing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

My dreams, all about water, paper, people, & transformation. How often do we dream in the language of alchemy? Rivers of our life flowing & picking up all that we feel.

I am very aware of the river's books are in our living, & placing them in their new patterns of place is significant & takes much listening, even if a lot else is going on. The ones near your chair, desk, or bedside, all indicate where you are going in the next level of your life.

Even if you do not read them, they are a mark of your Intention to expand into. I love this realization, because it animates my life in many directions. My jaws are a bit tight this morning, because I lifted many books into place & marked my direction with strength & potentiality in so many new & exciting directions.

To keep the promise to oneself, to allow travel in so many creative ways, is to light one's future & give permission. Interests change & forces move as needed in the creative life, as each stroke of listening creates the visual of the next.

Watch the light of yourself & you will be able to feel your own pace, truth, & direction.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

 #3c Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This is the System Key for Opening up & Speeding up this Assimilatorial Processing, so that the perpendicular angular relationship can be moved more quickly into a full alignment. [Visit our site for more: ].

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

"Resolute-- imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations.", Paracelsus, 1493-1541. "The signal of this Alchemical position is Start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb from which all our creations & projects can be born, for Terra Firma provides a secure foundation which, if carefully tended, can support a crop of projects. The artist & magician have the common problem of crystalizing, actualizing, materializing their mental conceptions into the objective world of matter. Now is the Cycle to Start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

All five rooms still moving & starting to show the foundation of something new & supportive of the future of our work & the world on many levels. A bit overwhelmed, but that is part of the sitting into it.

I feel a bit stiff, but creating areas to loosen up in it. How can I get & let my mind into the secret place of this seed of a new level of seeing & living. The following of myself & how I deeply am is essential to find the key. To begin something wonderful one must find the tiny little key hidden in the cubboard then the day will fill the need.

I cannot judge myself or that will fog my way. I must allow myself to be a genius and marvel at the magic I have moved in my life, that few would easily understand. I do not need to understand the nature of my mind, but allow my heart to bring my small world in to help.

Be generous to your world of small boxes, small books, small things, & small words that build the big. "We do not need more strength or more ability, or greater opportunity. What we need is what we have.", Basil S. Walsh.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity  

#5 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Formulatory Patterning of Highest Potential Self 

Vibrational imprint of the harmonics of each individual's highest Knowing brought forth into the Feeling, & then projected forth in the Center of One's Being, into Beingness, from the Center...How to form the pattern of the Highest Self. [Visit our site for more: ]

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

"The Cubic Stone is being fired in the furnace of Desire. Too much heat & it cracks; too little & it is half-baked & will not survive the seasonal inclemencies. Every thing moves in phases, & the Chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance over-laying order & rhythm. All human success results from the discernment of patterns in nature.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "The Alchemist's LabOratory is a temple of unceasing work (Karma Yoga) & prayer (Bhakti Yoga, i.e. love).", Dr. John Mumford.

Woke up from a very swaddled sleep. Intentioned to sleep with the Hive (Bee Hive), this creates such a richness for me. 5 rooms in our house are on the move. It is kind of like when Asland, the Lion, wakes up & is on the move.

Everything at first was talking about the change, & it was a bit overwhelming, but now all has settled & the energy lifts as much as finds its place, & I soon will be able to see over the stacks of books.

We make books, we read books, we look at books, these books are part of the Alchemy of our creative lives. Even books that sit on shelves for a long time change our lives, just by their presence & guardianship.

This is the intention when we create books with word & our art. They are not only to be read one page at a time, but they initiate our guardian space. Their presence in your home, with the guardianship in their words, placement, & images, lift the energy around you & your space.

Once a book closes, its alchemy continues & it sets into place the order needed, if asked for. Open Sesame. "Tis to create & in creating live a being more intense that we endow with form our fancy of gaining as we give.", Byron, Child Harold III;vi.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#7 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This creates the time & space magnificence necessary for form to be seen& heard. As light passes through vibrational vortex matrixes it adjusts patterning essence, creating holographic form seen. [Visit our site for more: ].

Friday, September 3, 2021

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

 "The seed of dissatisfaction & restlessness is growing steadily in a rich soil of inertia, complacency, & apathy-- the Vesica Pisces-- gives birth to a positive result. The bitter with the sweet, highs & lows, peaks & valleys, all coagulate at this time enabling personal integration & growth to produce a stable growth foundation. A germinal vision of the ideal will lift you beyond any present circumstances of mediocrity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Slept well & deep, after a day of many changes that somehow make more room for the next level of our work. A better gathering space & more books available to all of us.

Having room at different levels for different priorities is always creating Renewal. At these points we all see ourselves differently, our life, & each other. More opportunities roll out like magic, & we expand.

The play is always essential & sometimes is even hard to grasp. Little toys & art come into their places & float into little worlds with big ideas. I commit to small things, one at a time, & in this I somehow gain grace.

We wonder now what still needs, & how can we find it. I am becoming more aware of the alchemy of kindling & watching for the most wanted to come to me, instead of grunting & groaning my way through.

Renewal seeks me as well as I seek it. Willingness strikes me through & I begin again today.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#9 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Movement Is Still

When movement is truly one with center, & clarity is the source of movement, it is so smooth & fast it seems to be still. [ Visit our site for more: ].

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

"Air the seed, is the deep wellspring of inspiration (filled with the spirit) & the driving force of aspiration. Do not turn your foundation into cement, prematurely, by becoming obsessed with the material elements at the expense of creativity & idealism. This is a good phase for starting & building the base for the future. Make certain you have included all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early, excited to my surprise, everything started moving yesterday, inside our house, our creativity, & one room moves another. This happened last year about the same time. Parts of bedroom starting to move into library dining room.

So dreaming is moving into our book-making. Just bought a domain on Squarespace for an additional website for the creative child & our books that support this. It is & for the moment isn't built, but soon will be.

It is amazing what has to move in ones life that results in moving much in our creative life. Lots of musing, carrying, lifting, & listening today. Need music, mushroom coffee, & little moments to sit into it fully.

We will, all 5 of us, work & listen together to see our new level of way. Magic is afoot.

 ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#4 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint opens the Intuitive Self of Knowing and Feeling into past remembered, through accessial processing. This processing is accomplished by imprinted Self desiring informational matrix expansion. [ Visit our site for more: ]

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

"A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart, intuition (inner tutor) is smothered. A window of opportunity is opening; the chance to make a fresh start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Noticing more each day I am moving what is fictional to me, about myself & life into fact, & what has felt like fact into fiction. It is fiction that I am not brave, & it is fact that each day I step out each day into what I felt was maybe fiction in our work, & move it more into fact by seeing differently & changing my perspective.

Each day I find that as I write here we match it with a pattern that matches it, & it is always exact. This is not done to the mind but through the heart of our intuitive nature.

I have never watched this so carefully & am so moved by what I thought might be just fiction, is truly & deeply fact in its ability to help & create perspective change. Our work becoming more fact in this world that speaks of intuition as fiction.

We are daily coming through the veil & we have the right & need to become fact, in our power to change it through pattern, not war & racial conflict.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

#8 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Sticky Monkey Flower, Rose Pink, Clematis

This trinity vibrational essence tone is a vibrational sound seen matrix system, that creates the consequential rotational collaboration, that is necessary for time spent to be felt, at each tonal value in the muscular resonation foundation. This resonation foundation sets forth a call of now momentum in the body beingnes, of projectional matter formed. [Visit our site for more:].