"The most concrete aspect of Fire, in microcosmic man is enthusiasm, from the Greek meaning filled with God and instilled with a suprahuman source. Enthusiasm is Fire personified in the psychological Realm. Enthusiasm is a force that irresistibly burns away the dross, to leave the purified molten gold at the bottom of the crucible. 'Resolve' as a noun, means decisiveness and determination. Resolve, dancing as a verb allows you to solve the problem.", Dr, John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Wow, I do feel like molten gold at the bottom of the crucible. I have had a very heated night, filled with the fires of a Kundalini Rise. I realize much is being moved in me with this, and this has happened quiet often over the 30 years of this work.
Some rises seem to feel, at times, more than I can survive, but the Goddess has always come and led me through in all her guises.
I am grateful for the consciousness that shifts through me, but it seems never to be just easy. I have become more familiar with its resolve and the enthusiasm it creates within me.
I must make sure my practice covers all the territory and property it touches into, even anger, sadness, overwhelm, joy, visionary, and resulting in a whole new level of the great resolver, 'enthusiasm'.
Today I will walk, stretch into my Yoga, and meditate and play. Such a beautiful blue sky to rise into and descend from. What is next I do not know, but I feel the great corrugation within me. What has been too far to reach is now corrugating in, to become Close.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint moves vibrational essence, from point of reference to point of need and want.
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