
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances


A shift between the muse and the motion became productive, as the body began to build upon itself.

The very nature of life comes into the presence of change, and the distance between is traveled more quickly.

The punishing forces move to the back, and the ease of vision moves forward, for the advancement of new thought.

Thought, that does not separate the passion from its inspiration and the breath, is made ready for integrity of water and the alliance of earth.


  1. What a great sense of hope & lift & promise in these words -- Thank you! (And I especially love those mischievous frogs peeking out at the bottom of the 2nd photo -- are they laughing about the leap coming that will not be denied?!?!!?)

  2. This last photo visualizes all you spoke here...your photography whether past or present shows that your intentions have always been to see beyond and hear beyond the hum and drum of daily life! You burn with the alliance of your Soul and your Body....namaste to you and your work.

  3. Suzanne, yes they are laughing and play a few card games while they wait.
    love, Su.Sane

  4. Sandra, thank you. I love this photo too. And it is amazing how everything seems to have it's time, if we can only wait and believe in it.
    love, Su.Sane


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