
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve


“Fire seed of fire, is the alchemist’s supreme tool and conundrum. Enthusiasm is fire personified in the psychological realm. Enthusiasm is a force that irresistibly burns away the dross to leave the purified molten gold at the bottom.”  Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

This has been the interior realm of what has been evolving for the past two days. I have come to be so focused on its intent, and through this focus I am resolving an ancient volume of intention.

There has been many levels of motion that are rooting deeply into what I feel that has no words or expression. I feel somewhat lost at times. There seems to be no settled way of knowing for me at this time, but there is a comfort in the daily movements that nurture my mind and body, as I travel deeply in a silence that gives enthusiasm to my future.

Robert & I create in a realm not quite here yet, and the simpleness of this way in invisible to the time. We move about shifting levels in our atmosphere and lay quietly among the patterns of internal realization.

All this gives resolve to the problem of maintaining a nurtured awareness, as the root child of our new life emerges.

To awaken the seed before it is swollen within its shell, is to be too dry for an interior sprout. To heat the nerve of consciousness before it has raised its temperature to the right digit, is to lose its meaning.

The alembic egg has a timing, and the mind is often irritable when it is faced with the time it takes to Resolve.

We learn each time to take our minds into a familiar ration of distraction, while maintaining a full focus on the alchemical challenge of keeping the flame at just the right intensity.


  1. This is so wonderfully insightful! I've never seen anyone express so well the incredible intricacies & subtle awarenesses necessary to truly understand how to work with that exact Timing of the alchemical process.
    "Robert & I create in a realm not quite here yet, and the simpleness of this way in invisible to the time. We move about shifting levels in our atmosphere and lay quietly among the patterns of internal realization." -- I think this is perhaps the most eloquent & beautiful way you've ever expressed how you & Robert live your lives & live inside the Work! I've certainly been witness to it all these years & seen how powerful & effective the "invisible" work you do is!
    I also really appreciated the understanding you gave of the difference between DISTRACTIONS that take us away from our full focus on the alchemy of our lives and the distractions that are familiar, comforting, playful things in our lives that help the mind move through the intense times when the fire is having to be stoked & then tempered in just the exact timing. Thank you!

  2. Lately I have found myself in a constant state of doubt and confusion. Now I see that those are just illusions. Distractions taking my focus and nurturing away from my soul. My root child is calling out for emergence. Thank you for your words. They have provided me with a stepping stone to my bigger picture.Proud to call you my mother. Love. Namaste. Your raven daughter

  3. Suzanne, thank you for taking in fully how the muse works with us. You have always supported this and nurtured Robert & I, as we move through these phases.

    Sometimes I miss all your wonderful cooking,which you have nurtured into an art form.

    So glad you caught the difference in the distractions. I was kind of worried about not explaining that. Thanks Suzanne.
    love, Su.Sane

  4. Susanna, thank you my raven daughter, so nice to call your name.
    Your root child is quite awesome and I have had the pleasure of looking deeply into her in creating this book, "The Root Child and the Coming of Fairies".
    I feel honored by your words and realize not every mother is honored this way by her daughter. You make me rich.
    love, Su.Sane


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