
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation


Transformation, a time of deep reflection, steady choices, and renewed identity of purpose.

What is it that holds us to the structure of our frames? It is the mixture of intention, decisions, and fantasy.

The part of this day that held me tightest was my love for initiation into a more reflective tolerance, that moves space for me into a vastness I need to understand the beginnings of what now is.

This is a time of evaluation, lifting up, and looking underneath. I feel an impending change that will help me center more into what I know, but at times less pressed by doubt.

This is a time when the very letters of one’s name sometimes shifts, and the source of their potential changes. The name I most know in my life now is Su.Sane, and it has not always been.

The name Clarity is the connected visualization of what Robert & I know, as we listen and run our forces into one line, one sound, one memory. We remember together this knowing force and the numbers in its name.

To be contented with transformation is the very essence of my life’s journey, and the Raven totem I carry within my numbers is my guide, my future self, and the clarity of my desire.

To be inside air seed of ether is to suddenly realize that life is not focused on your lessons, but your ability to keep the focus narrow enough to mold your made into clarity, so you will know purpose and be nurtured by what you face as self.


  1. your blog is so neat. it's poetic enough so i am reminded of my own mind meanderings without getting boxed in by concepts and ideas like certain books can do....i like the phrase "reflective tolerance" because it seems to suggest framelessness. thanks
    :- )

  2. These words and photos are terrific! The one of the trees and your sculpture below is breathtaking....great print options? And of course the black feathers....makes my heart whistle!

  3. Joany, thank you so much. I love the kindredness of our mind's meanderings.
    love, Su.Sane

  4. Sandra, I love these too. Robert picked these for me, he seems to have such a sense for the depth and collaboration of words and photos.

    Ah, those black feathers make my heart whistle, too.
    love, Su.Sane


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