
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

 "This is the time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. Ultimately, this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Worked hard yesterday on a new creative project, that actually gathers up a lifetime of creative work. Moved easy, felt good, then after a night of dreaming, seemed to have gathered up all the negativity possible for a full palette. This is the course of the creative process, & it seems to never quite change, but in time, I feel I have. Today I'll sit with myself & my beloved, & we will shift deeper into this alchemy, as we have learned to do. To pause, support, comfort, allow, & then dive back in again. This seems to be part of the alchemy of creating, in a way it feels like our world is this middle space, & the Divine has not quite yet dived back in to the next level, beyond transformation. We are here in the middle, & until we realize it is the middle, but not the completion, we cannot become the alchemical golden egg, that exists to express instead of experience. Transformation is only the way we get to completion, it is not the completion itself. I have never seen this before, completely, until today. Bubble, bubble, toil & trouble is not a life, it is only a position toward a life. Thank you for listening. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Omnidirectional 13

Molecular Adjustment of Etheric Fluidial Change of pH Regarding Balance of portal Harmonical Penetration

Vibration of the harmonic that controls the body pH, which in turn determines one’s blood levels, acidity levels, and levels of ability to allow penetration of life nutrients, contained within the assimilatory process, of the feelings experienced and projected forth, in emotional expression……How to balance the assimilation process.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. 'Hold the rudder steady', & pleasantly interact with others, to ensure your goals are achieved.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Rolling over into the next alchemical position, I am grateful for the effervescence. I can feel the bubbling up of something new, & I feel the stretching out of the landscape of a new level, & in this I feel the enthusiasm rise through me into this day. I feel new corners with new activity beginning to accelerate. Corners is where it all happens. As the speed increases to lay out the new thread, I grasp one & I begin to use my enthusiasm to start weaving it out. My capacity, increasing as it moves. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

            Celtic Imprint 13

This Imprint works with the vortexial realignment necessary to equalize the difference of discernment between levels of Knowing, Feeling, Recognition and Understanding, through all levels of existence.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Air Seed of Water: Calm

 "Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they are neutral. Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunities.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Calm, is just right, so one can hold close what is near. To recognize what is needed before it starts is a lovely time to be in. To position yourself in the squat, so you are ready to roll-over & begin the moment before the roll. To begin, you capture the feeling of right before, & you savor it, & make sure you allow room. I am making room for what is ready to roll. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Body Zero 33

“The quantralized movement of Energy System in the Body Zero tissue, bone, and organ level is always in alignment with the conceptualizational vortex of the momentual flow of time spent into Being. This is why the was of All Time is what all conceptualizational calculations are based on, and set into formulizations that move more set formulizations. This Imprint works with moving each energy system in tissue, bone, and organ into alignment with the unlimited potentiality enfolding, instead of the limited empowerment of Was limiting the Is Unlimiting.”

Monday, March 28, 2022

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

 "The right amount of tempered optimism & enthusiasm fire the kiln, bringing your endeavors a step closer to completion. Tend the oven, sustain the flames & keep sight of the desired end.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is so delicious, because I'm beginning to recognize all the middles in my life. This position is in all the middles, & I have finally learned some patience, positivity, & excitement about this stage in alchemy. It's in the middle that everything happens, between the beginning & the end. This is where real love, enthusiasm, acceptance, & vision is needed the most. And I think I finally caught it in the corner of my eye, waiting there for my enthusiatic intending. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Body Zero 21

“This Imprinsial Pattern is a causal equalizer. This works with causal sound vibrations that create what the Body Zero permits to pass through its immuniary system. These causal sound vibrations are limited in their vibratory capacity and cause Body Zero to expand its volume flow, beyond the volume indicator. This in turn creates the Body Zero's distorted releasial patterns that are not in harmony with Body Zero's flow of movement.”

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

 "Fire & Air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding Fire, & Fire is grateful! A new dimension of satisfaction can prevail by eschewing both dependent & independent stances for relationship of interdependence & creative cooperation. Take advantage of the consanguinity of the Sun & the Moon; when the solar & lunar bodies conjoin in the East, gold & silver may be extracted from the morning dew, & mutually beneficial 'alchemical conceptions' will abound", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Potent is this time, so much winning & losing in conversation, as everything cuts up through the soil, like Tulip, to find where sun & air meet. The time between breath, the arguments of exposure, the decision to crack the shell & sprout, to move up through the dark of every question. To face into the potential of facing into the exposure the sun could bring. To heat up the hope until it speaks of new things so we can once again thrive. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

Body Zero 17

“This Imprintsial Pattern works as a resussitory oscillator. This creates the occulation of memory sets that have not moved out of the matrix system's compartmental vortexes. This is necessary for the Body Zero to be able to reprogram new response patterns that facilitate transcendent energy vibrational momentum.”

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

" Earth Seed of Earth is the terminus of the involutionary chain & therefore the commencement point of the evolutionary chain, climbing back to the stars. The signal of this card is Start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Make certain your plans are realistic, & your goals are achievable, then plough the Earth well & sow the seeds deeply.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

We together are beginning to listen for a new sound. We listen together, we hear it coming up through the dirt, don't quite know when, or how, or why, but it is moving, truly. It is moving, if we are ready or not, that's how it is when something new begins to grow towards the top. You have to bend yourself down deep under the soil, & persuade it to come up into the light, because you know it is the foundation of something you feel, but not yet quite see. It's like when you were a child & you hid in the garden, with your face on the ground, & your breath quiet, early, early in the morning to see the new shoot grow. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Recognitional 8

Harmonial Balanced Center

Harmony is only found when the clarity is one with your own center, then you create clarity and harmony in all your day, and all your day is without doubt, fear and judgement.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

"Start, & emphasize creativity. Deep within the mountain is the alchemist's furnace containing the flame of your vision; the fire radiates the warmth that can germinate the seed of your aspiration. Be creative, original & innovative with what is right there now. It is to what you have, but how you use what you have.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Potential is such a full purse & it wakes me up with a certain amount of joy, & comes with a full heart. I breathe in all that is around me, because it has filled my whole field. Slept deep & long last night, swaddled in this potential. Do you ever feel this? This is a beautiful part of living, & why alchemy even exists. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Holographic Imprint 18

Momentual awareness, of sight seen potentiality of desired form, is brought into felt of known, so that the desired form of dream Holographic Projection, can be thought as real, and maintained, without pattern slip of desired Holographic Projection.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

 "A growing conflict over change. The desire to move beyond personal limits coupled with fear of escaping from a safe & comfortable rut. To move is always to make a completion by sacrificing the past for a potentially more rewarding future.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

For me, this is a time when more new levels begin to surface, & they start to square themselves, so I can understand. Beacons are lit, & navigation becomes more a question of Intent. Renewal for me is a surface Squared, so that I may open the window of its content, & begin then to relate in a much keener way. A relationship with the Seed must be developed & listened to. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Pleiadian Creativity Inner 5

This creates the potentized energy, to release its misperceptional field space, and time lock. Use this, to create holographic pain release—eighth dimension harmonic pattern.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

 "The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free & lay it's own golden eggs, each a miniature Alembic. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I always love the movement & flow of this alchemical process, & especially this position, as it meets me where I am. Feel more alert & grounded today. Last night, finished 'Strap up, Time For the Valkyrie', a book of months in preparation, & deep journey's travel. Rising up like this beautiful, powerful alchemical egg, that we published last night & let it fly out into the world. It is not like we sell a lot of books, because we don't wait for publishing to strip them dry. It's a great breath of moisture. The eBook is what takes it out on the lines & makes it affordable to the many. We can barely afford the bound copy, but it is so satisfying to be able to share it, before publishing has a chance to gnaw it apart. What is gestating now is the next book, 'The Great Corrugation' & it will, in itself, create, & it will speak of the foreshadowing of successful futures. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Flower Imprint 4

Mullein, Daffodil, Poppy

This trinity is the formulizational key to the requisitional conceptionalization of vibrational requirement, needed to facilitate the Body Zero circumference allowances. These allowances are necessary, for the Body Zero intake and outflow, of energy system matrix networking.

This enables, Body Zero tissue exchange system, to maintain its integrity, even if in the presence of energy systems, that do not coordinate with its intake output calculations.

Once one is able to facilitate the support changeover calculations, the system requirements will change, and enable one to effectively facilitate, the intake output of all matter in a balanced ratio.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

 "Water, sometimes described as the universal solvent, is the feminine power of cooperation opposed to masculine competition. All Water flows, washes, adapts, & brings nurturing respite to the arid wastelands of our lives. When this symbol is drawn it behooves us to remember that some problems can best be 'solved' by being' dissolved' gently, & subsequently 'absolved'. Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting inside the early hours of this morning, feeling spring starting to root up through me, I realize what a diplomat spring is, between the harshness of winter & the heat of summer. Just a little mix of both & so calming to the system, when you allow it its own pace. In Maine, everyone gets so excited about spring & it gets your blood to running, your get up & go to going, & you feel flooded with any extra rain. I must remember that spring is the between, & it should not be run through. We must not jerk up the new seedlings to see if the roots are growing, & water is a tender thing, so you gently rain on the seeds. Let the fire build gradually and have more diplomacy with the middle time in our lives. Taking off my running shoes, so I can smell the new air. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Fairie Imprint 6b

This Imprint works with Realm Awareness that Outerplanetary Rotational Pull has always affected the Inner Planetary movement and balance, due to the cording. Now we will balance the Inner, which is the Holographic Projection of the individual energy system, without waiting for the outer Moon, Stars, Planets to move, and balance.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

 "Earth congeals, coagulates, & solidifies, seeking to form a firm foundation for the enterprise. Earth & Air are neither friends nor enemies; they tend to exist in mutual exclusion; it requires great patience & coaxing to bring Earth & Air into a state of cohabitation & cooperation. This is a good phase for starting & building a base for the future. Make certain to include all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Deep down under, tighter than before, more engaged in sleep, deeper & deeper, coming back up like whale--Aspiration. Earth & Air, I bring up all the diggings from all before, I breathe in deep this day, its sunshine, its hopes of seed germinating on through, sprouting out of the top, nursing up the nature. I bring myself to the throat of aspiration & I say what Water says, 'flow up, console, allow the precious to rise & thrive', the most precious of freedom nursed from the core of the Earth-- exceptional. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Manifestation 14

This Imprint forms the motivational triaxillary important of internal residual layering, which works in response to the external residual layering. This enables all sight seen dimensional form to reevaluate its position and placement at hyperspace speed, — resulting in the exactness of discernment, of movement towards known.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "Water & Fire are natural enemies, opposing forces. It requires a very skillful alchemist to burn Fire under Water, & indeed to float Fire upon a bed of Water. Success is assured when you bathe with Fire & dry with Water.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This alchemy is quite tricky & I find it is on its best behavior when I allow it to flow. It knows its way through me & my life. I do not have to coach it, because it knows its way of creative tension, so I must let go, unmuscle myself, & drink lots of water. Thank heavens I am not a master alchemist, because at these times I would have to learn a lot more, & to unmuscle myself. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Fairie Imprint 7a

Realm Awareness of triaxillary movement from Beyond Source to Source, to manifest in the Form Dream Energy Rotation. This enables one to be One with Source and Beyond. This is the movement that Recognizes, in order to Understand, to accomplish Discernment, and leap beyond Linear Thought. Linear Thought is what one would call the Nothing, because nothing is understood. In the Nothing - no thing, entity, or movement is understood.

There is no Recognition or value. Without these, one feels lost, and judges what is lost or separated, as Less than, not Part of, Without Life - Evil - Reverse of Live.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire Seed of Ether (Space): This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. It is not a question of life after death, the problem is discovering life after birth.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Up in the deep night, to sit for awhile with the world, feeling all the struggle to have life after birth, & the improverished letting go of life after death. I breathe in with the Ukraine, the attachment point of Gaia, where she enters back & forth with her dreaming. This tiny blue & yellow place in the world, is the breathing space & entry point of Gaia. I sat inside it, & Robert & I surrogated this point of the world, whose Central, Governing, Circulation, Triple Warmer, & Lung meridians were all down. We put them back upright for another day. What we don't realize this is the point of Gaia, our planetary world, that is now struggling for life after birth. This point, in the alchemical process, is so hopeful, because maybe transmutation will soon put us into a beneficial change. Transmutation, putting things back upright. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Flower Imprint 6

Rosemary, Bluebell, Dandelion

This trinity system mobilizes the accentual volume coordinator, that creates the volume flow cubism, that tranquilizes the Body Zero response system, so that skin tone changes, can occur with minimal discomfortal responses.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word

 "A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings, & speak from deep inside.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Woke up this morning more refreshed & settled. The capable within me seemed more grounded. Feeling the Word reside within me, I touch base with deeper understanding ,& this within me is like a cauldron, with question within it. What is it like to share & write about home? Sometimes these words feel like a foreign language, & when I share them, no one knocks to ask for more. I feel, at times, I have gone so deep inside the Logos, that the Word has become a more etherous    sound that no one can hear with the ear, a ghostly apparition caught in time. We do this work, we live this work, we share this work, we understand this work, but somehow we are invisible. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Omnidirectional 13

Molecular Adjustment of Etheric Fluidial Change of pH Regarding Balance of portal Harmonical Penetration

Vibration of the harmonic that controls the body pH, which in turn determines one’s blood levels, acidity levels, and levels of ability to allow penetration of life nutrients, contained within the assimilatory process, of the feelings experienced and projected forth, in emotional expression……How to balance the assimilation process.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Air Seed of Water: Calm

 "Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they are neutral. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) & your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Woke up in the night feeling a bit powerless to help our world at this time, & then all at once I remembered I've had a deep life with Gaia, & I could call upon her. Because of this belief, to come in all her ways, to support & heal at this time, all those suffering & dying, I could call her to their presence & ask her flowers & trees, the whole mycelial network consciousness, to come & heal, protect, encourage, & weep with their brave souls. So now I begin my day of calling forth everything in the Dreamtime, everything in the Garden Time, everything in the Tree, Time, & Mint. They are the tools & guardians of perseverance. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Celtic Imprint 17

This Imprint opens the Heart to realized Center. From this all transcends into full matrix penetration. This in turn opens the memory of Home as the only path. This Imprint moves energy patterning into expansion beyond Self.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

"A change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plan to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether)." Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Sleeping deeper & longer than I have lately, I was comfortable with 12 hrs. sleep. My body finally laid down deeply into this incubation. It swallowed me whole & I find that many things within me settled into place. A forgiving space that gives permission to magic within me. This magic is where I am most powerful. I will do my Chi Gong & connect all the fibers within & without me, so I can begin my greatest potency, Play. To really play you must dream deeply & come rested to the forefront. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Holographic Imprint 12

Body Zero expressional concepts, are calculated into totality of the Holographic Projection, and create the sight seen image of state of mind.

This imprint works in the movement of expressional concepts, that do not support, the empowerment of the sight seen image, into reevaluation of time and space.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

 "Water Seed of Air can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing, lively way.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Enthusiastic doer, enthusiastic conceiver are both roles that I do fairly easily, so much so, the spilling over, bubbling up are both creative parts of my life. Learning to balance this fiery abode is sometimes tricky. I am amazed at how few people express this enthusiasm in their giving. Often feeling, curating, checking, sorting, & comparing are all things that must be done before enthusiasm is engaged in any way, so enthusiasm is cut short, graded, & found wanting. This is the course of working with sharing on social media. I love a lot of things for many reasons, wanting to encourage, give permission, listen to deeper, allowing one to be open & safe. These are courageous deeds that happen, when you engage the heart as the potency it is on social media. I do not hold the heart back. To give more hearts is to engage more deeply in the alchemy of love. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity 

Recognitional 17

Allow The Trust

Allow the trust to feed you. Allow the trust to clothe you. Allow the trust to open you. Allow the trust to heal you. Allow the trust to take you home. It is in the allowing that all is done.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

"Water Seed of Ether, presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement. Efforts should redirected towards building solid bridges of communication & empathy.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I always love the feeling of this alchemical position. It always makes me feel so hopeful, & in the right place at the right time. I look for the synergy of this day & move toward it & wait for cause & effect to meet. Grateful. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Celtic Imprint 14

This Imprint works with matrix clarity. The clarity held within Avalon was to safeguard the seed essence energy that guided and helped shape events towards Highest Potential.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

 "Earth Seed of Earth is the terminus. The signal is start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb from which all our creations & projects can be born.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Spilling open, spilling over, seeded in, ready to knot the knot & step onto the palette that is staring to grow under my feet. I am more layered than I thought, & this alchemy of foundation grants me solace as I thread up into my toes & allow myself to feel what is more solid now that grows into my steps. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Pleiadian Creativity Outer 1

This symbol causes movement to accelerate. Apply it to that which refuses to move.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

"Water, sometimes described as the universal solvent, is the feminine power of cooperation opposed to masculine competition. This fluid mobility is the essence of adjusting to the ever-changing circumstances we experience. This is a very good time to further your interest & approach difficulties through interactions with others, we are all in the business of making friends, not enemies.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 They always say 'everything within reason', but I often find that the feminine power doesn't always work with the 'everything within reason', because the heart is more involved. I accept this as more part of who I am. Reason is not the first committee for the heart, but if it wasn't for this unreasonable heart we would not be a populous world. I grieve this at times, a populous world sometimes means a world with enough extras that war becomes reasonable. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Flower Imprint 20

Lemon Balm, Lilac, Peony

This trinity vibrational essence combination, moves the totality of total conceptionalization, through the Body Zero formulizational recorder.

It supports and deactivates, conceptionalizations that don’t fit and coordinate, with the Body Zero perceptional process, that is in cohesion with the dream shape and form.

This vibrations works in the creative process of cohesiveness, of energy form molecules, to promote the found time in Body Zero.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

 "This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. It is important to discriminate between change as a verb or a noun. Ultimately, this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

My body opening up once again to score me. I feel I am between change as a verb & change as a noun, & I haven't actually registered this before, while in the process. Sometimes change seems to take much more than a moment, it's kind of like lining your birdcage with new paper, but not quite like you've actually stepped out of the cage. When I am in change, I feel like it is organ, but actually always it is muscle, so I realize that what says its organ is the cage & what says its muscle is me opening the door & stepping out of the cage. This is deep alchemy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Fairie Imprint 4a

Realm Awareness of Symmetrical Symmetry of the Will of Substance to Formulate Exterior Form, is going to be the main mode of movement in this Healing System. This awareness will enable many to go beyond what they have Known, or Felt possible before, or beyond.

This Imprint evaluates the triaxillary rotation, of each Vortexial Interdimensionary Level Calculation, and registers this, in each dimension, according to the Highest Potential vortexical rotation.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

 "Earth congeals, coagulates, & solidifies, seeking to form a firm foundation. Earth & Air are neither friends nor enemies; they tend to exist in mutual exclusion; it requires great patience & coaxing to bring Earth & Air into a state of cohabitation & cooperation. This is a good phase for starting & building the base for the future. Make certain you have included all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Becoming more a force, than a Realm in my life, has created a curve that allows more Earth & Air to mix for me, & aspiration to arise. I am not always good at this, but I contain the force within me. To stand & fly, to fly & stand, intermingling my life more, with a truer gesture of who I am, what I do, as Earth, & what I reach for is Air. Stepping back to see this better. Earth Seed of Air. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Manifestation 9

This Imprint potentates the energy vibration, of triaxillary dream recognition, as seen and wanted, in highest potential vibrational manifesting.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Air Seed of Water: Calm

 "Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they often are neutral. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) & your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Marking my space like cat, I sit in the calm watching, knowing the leap is at the Water's edge. The calm before the leap, the calm before the decision, the calm waiting for the precision to arrive. Nothing is lost in this moment of listening. Rolling over & over & over again, till the moment becomes upright, & then I leap. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Flower Imprint 19

Bleeding Heart, Chrysanthemum, Yellow Cornflower

This formulizational trinity of vibrational knowingness, is what carries the key to the thought beyond knowing, which moves before the consciousness has registered its presence.

This is what causes viruses, in this dimension, that seem to sweep beyond the control of all form. These thoughts can be known and felt, if the portal entries of perceptional sensing, are not blocked, from their scanning abilities.

These flowers move the surprise element out, and allow the Body Zero, to move into full support system, and deactivate these beyond present sensing abilities.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

 "Fire Seed of Fire is the most primeval Element of all. Fire is a manifest archetype of creation, power, & birth. In the human sphere, Fire elicits 'burning passion' & aspiration for illumination. Fire Seed of Fire, is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Only by enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I'm a Fire sign, & I often take on more Fire than I think I can chew. but I realize Fire burns, not chews. Fire awakens me, internalizes me, & it helps me be authentic. I'm a double Fire, & I am grateful for that. It is the alchemist's primary tool. Fire needs time to burn things completely through. A lot of Fire lately creating a deep resolve within me, & its creating a very deep lineage resolve between my mother & my self-esteem. And I think the doubt within it most women have to deal with i,t as part of our lineage. So today, on Woman's Day, I resolve this lineage passage, in clearing my system of the doubt of what I can do & be in this world. It's not my mother, it's the lineage that was past down in all the ages that women should be kept undiscovered. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Body Zero 35

“This Imprintsial Pattern creates the unlimited set. Short term sets are what manifest in Body Zero system focuses. The unlimited set that creates a full recognition in the momentual overflow is what is needed now to push the completionary vortexial focus into completionary manifested desired form.”

Monday, March 7, 2022

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

"The circle is the kingdom of the mind, the square is the Earth, the only womb in which the seed of an idea can be materialized, crystalized, & actualized. 'Squaring the Circle ' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so that objective conception & birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Inside the moment that rises within this day, there is a seed of flow that catches the light & begins in its tiniest of ways to grow. I feel it come up through the center & swell across my shoulders. The seed of thought crosses over, down my arms & to my fingers, in this I feel the tiniest moments of spring beginning to grow inside my fingers. I feel the singing roots of a nurtured seed beginning to grasp thought, this, in itself, begins to square the circle. Layer after layer creates a window of thought that knows itself. This is the seed of a new perspective that knows its way on through. ~Raven Su.Sane, Clarity


Pleiadian Creativity Outer 5

This symbol causes movement to penetrate beyond sound distortions. Imprint this when Clarity is needed.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Water Seed of Earth; Alliances

" Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers. It is appropriate to move from the subjective world of planning to the objective world of concretely instigating. Positive action is called for. Initiative is the initiation of Reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Water, being a deep sequence for today, is threading through the air & will nourish the earth today with rain. I am grateful, I am so grateful for the permission that rainy days give. When I lived on a farm, it always meant delightful days going to town, & getting lunch at a small cafe. For me now, it means permission to have permission, to sit inside the perch that rain gives to the Soul, like a bird, I sit up inside a tree & perch myself in case alliances, so needed, would come & perch with me. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Celtic Imprint 6

This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows the Highest Potential for Self to vibrate into manifested Wholeness, which potentates the Dream, into Beingness.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation

 "Fire Seed of Ether (Space); this portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. Consider that prosperity follows upon geographical travel or 'flights of fancy'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I love this alchemical position, always so magical in my life. Last night, couldn't let down into sleep, realized I was holding myself outside the portal of my dreaming. There was a piece of my life that I needed to sit into and tap into its warning, so I could feel safe again. As it dissolved, I felt a great lift & the comfort once again in my travels. There is a freedom & lift in this now, & I am so grateful for the alchemical process I have learned to sit deep into. Opportunities come up into our lives for change. We must never not answer the door when the bell is ringing, because what we need needs us. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Body Zero 3

This Imprintsial Pattern is the quantralized chamber to be imprinted, to allow override of Body Zero misperceptional calculatorial processing. This Imprint supports speed change without a Body Zero responsorial pattern release of overwhelm.”

Friday, March 4, 2022

Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

 "A change ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plan to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether).", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The 'Kundalini' book hatched out & published. Is it too large? Is it too loud? Is it too truthful? Is it too generating? All questions of distraction, interference, & codial unawareness. One who creates envisions, listens, always meets with this foe, but each time we dare to bring all our albatrosses forward & then we realize how beautifully they can fly. They don't always land so well but they fly & live more airborne than not. I feel composted & generated all at the same time. To dare to write & do the impossible is always in the power of incubation. I so love this book. Kundalini is kind of heavy, a bit spilling over, & extremely freeing. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Fairie Imprint 3a

This is the Realm Awareness of the Circular Movement of thought that spirals in transcendence of limited linear movement. The Circulatorial Aspiration of Thought, once set in Highest Potential, is capable of transcending all limited thought, because it allows one to go beyond linear thought of movement, that does not have Knowing and Feeling in alignment.

Once Knowing and Feeling are aligned and set in Highest Potential, this evolutionary leap beyond, linear thought, is set. This upward spiral of circular movement, creates the bliss of the Inner Dream, and is Felt throughout the Dream Span of the Sixth Dimension.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Air Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer

 "Air feeds Fire, sparkles Water, & nourishes Earth. Air is a Jacob's two-way ladder, from above to below & below to above. The present situation requires a conscious two-way stretch. The future grows out of the present, which in turn, is a product of the past.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I feel that this is what I am presently doing. I'm pulling collages together to create a stronger future through my present awareness of my past creating a stronger future in the understanding of the creative process held within the passage of the kundalini. This is alchemy, this is desire for wisdom, feeling, story, & beauty. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Pleiadian Creativity Inner 6

This creates the Holographic projection into dimensionalizational Thought.