"Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they are neutral. When they mix, the situation is often 'froth & bubble', but no substance. Air Seed of Water, is a glyph that often betokens a peculiar relationship. Keep in touch with your feelings (Air) & your intuitive needs (Water). Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunities.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Trusting myself in a language that comforts my feelings & my body, in this world that is so ready to quickly evaluate & criticize so it doesn't even allow wonder in a way that supports strength, compassion, & power. When we feel off in a day we are taught we might be sick, then we learn that maybe something else is appearing on the horizon, & it may need tending to with rest. We learn to interpret our body's sensations & feelings as symptoms, rather than reclamation, integration, & relocation. Sometimes we relocate how we speak to ourselves & that is called odd. I find many times when my body is relocating the qualities of how it listens, it often has to integrate the aftermath (mathematics) of change.
As we move towards 2022 we are now preparing to match the frequency we need to become astute in the territory that we must own. Dec. 1st, tomorrow is the birthday month of my grand-mother, my moon sign, my daughter, our anniversary (34 yrs.) & of course the birth of Light in my favorite time of year. We must open brightly to all the light this time of year gives & integrate its brightness. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
#8 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint activates the processing of calculation of dream recognition, in energy support form, for exchange of energy. [Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/manifestational-codex ].