"A period of introversion and sluggishness is coming to an end. Patience and perseverance will result in a beneficial settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Underneith it all is the huge Presence of all that needs us to Be, and what was once too hard has been persevered. We have been torn down and destroyed many times, and we learn that it is within the will to preserve as fire and air, which we are.
I am fire and Robert is air. We must focus together at one time to keep the embers burning. This alchemical configuration is what is asked for by us all, as we try to persevere the process intact.
There are many alchemical positions we must move through and become for the ameblic egg to survive these times. Patience is so key and we must distance ourselves from the push to make hasty decisions that do not allow room for Truth.
To speak truth is what we must hear clearly. Be patient and sit into the stillness this time needs. We are more accounted for by our own deep listening, till grace appears steady and true. This is the key for today.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
"The equalization need, for the Body Zero to rotate in a trinary code, is set through this Imprint, and motivates the omnidirectional recognition of the trinary beingness, that is to be recalculated into the rotational flow of the Holographic Projection.
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This is a time to thank you thank you for the reminder of walking gentlely through this day!