"Intense visualization should be followed by an abrupt dismissal so they can fall into the fertile soil of the unconscious for incubation. Now is the cycle to Start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "Resolute imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations.", Paracelsus, 1493-1541.
Now set is the time to become filled with vision and then let it go, like the wind. To expect voraciously, but with absolute patience. To wish and let go is the formula and it should be done with enthusiasm.
All new ideas sit at your feet at one point and we must become very aware of what is at our feet or in our hand. Time in or time out, all become the same, so we must pay attention to what they speak of. We potentize ourselves each day we become more aware of the cradle and what is in it.
Do we need to feed it or rock it slowly? We so often get in a hurry and forget to feed the new life. All those dreams of not feeding the baby, or babies, are part of this equation within the foundation of a completely new beginning and we forget to feed.
Today we must create a foundation of a life fully fed, remembered, asked for, waited for, and leaned into. We are ready, let's start and Be present to the Wild Child within us.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#2 Celtic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint is the bridge that spans Time. This reconnects that which is perceived at that which was, into the corrected perception of existence, as seen from beyond Self. This is then the Bridge Portal into Dimensional Travel.
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Wow..these words and the pattern speak of great resolution once allowed to be a vision then a matter.....upon patience!!