"Successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details and planning carefully.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
The words we say to ourselves are the most important words of all and they are the hardest to keep clear of the debris of life. They float in our atmosphere and try to be familiar, but they do not always come from the heart.
I have come to a new space with these travelers, because they are not actually mine now. These words come from the memory back of what we were told were real. As I age and begin to know more of who I am I begin to drop the alphabet I was taught these words from, and start making up my own alphabet.
I find new words more thrilling, imaginative, creative, and more hope begins to reside there. The word is so powerful that we forget that we made it all up in the first place. The meaning and alphabet of all words were made up at one time. They evolved out of our way to communicate some order, but order is not what has survived.
Order and Expression, beautiful companions, but judgment, shame, rules, and control seems to be its legacy. So I make up a language of the heart that does not sit in judgment. I made up oracles that follow inspiration, recognition, and fulfillment.
This is especially helpful if you are not going to follow the rules, then you need words that employ you in creativity, kindness, compassion, and love, all of another kind. I am a new alphabet in the making.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#8 Pleiadian Creativity Inner Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This creates sound penetration resolution into Holographic Wholeness, from beyond misperceptional thought.
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This is an awesome letter of advice waiting to be received by all who can hear and read. I am asking my heart gut mind to follow this thread with enthusiasm!! Thank you!!