"A project under construction needs a change or modification to produce a stable growth foundation. The seed of dissatisfaction and restlessness is growing steadily in a rich soil of inertia, complacency, and apathy--the Vesica Pisces--gives birth to a positive result.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
I sit inside my own discovery. I evoke from within myself something remarkable. This invokement is something more direct within me. I long for the discovery, but I do not think I have ever directly fully consciously invoked this before.
To experience the remarkable takes an open eye that sees in its corners, because that is where it first appears, and we are hesitant to disturb it, because of its light. Now is a time to call it forward out of the corners, to see directly in front of us.
It is a little scary, because maybe we won't recognize it and be blind to its remarkableness. If change is going to happen I must step on the step. What is remarkable to you? I find the remarkable is something already there that all at once lights up and I see it as it is and is not.
I feel our work is remarkable and it is everywhere, but it has not lit up yet enough to be seen, but it will when the time is ready. Something remarkable is coming our way.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#1 Recognitional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Grow only from your own center, which is centered in Recognition of the source of all, and ask that source to guide you back Home. Self is the part that recognizes center.
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