
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

"A change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

There is a wonder in this time that amazes me as I move through the changes necessary to become something more in a time of what some call less. I have had to open even more to my intuitive than ever before in relationship to myself.

"Under the influence of Fire Seed of Ether it is best to partition the time for the great work in such a manner that you devote yourself to turning the flame up with optimism and brightness in the first half of the allotted time span, then for the second half turn off the heat and attend to cooling the Alembic, watch fully and carefully; the prognosis is excellent.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I love the full throttle in this and the rapid turn around of rest. This is what I have found the most potent equation and works so well for me on many levels. I no longer work on something till I drop. The rapid turning off the heat takes much awareness and self-discipline in a way of giving love to yourself.

Pattern change of my days. Get up with enthusiasm organically, look around but stay focussed in my own daily Presence. Take care of myself in my inner needs, then gradually build, then midday fully engage and then around 5:30 turn off the heat and begin to rest and play.

This seems to be so successful in working with the Pandora's box of this Pandemic. Gifts unseen but keenly felt.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#6 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Rosemary, Bluebell, Dandelion

This trinity system mobilizes the accentually volume coordinator, that creates the volume flow cubism, that tranquilizes the Body Zero response system, so that skin tone changes can occur with minimal discomfortal responses.

[Visit our site for more Healing Light iMprintsial Pattern;  ]

1 comment:

  1. This message is awesome, the calculation of energy needed to succeed is so awesome that it sets you up for success at any moment!! Thanks again!!


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