"Resolute - Imgaination is the beginning of all Magical operations", Paracelsus, 1495-1541. "The signal of this position is Start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Opened is the gift of this day because it is foundational. When we feel the foundation under our feet we know that Terra Firma can support a crop of projects. More energy felt today in my bones, and that is a good sign for me. We all make ready now for the optimum position to Begin.
It seems life is full of Beginnings and Completions. We often struggle with the middle of things. Sometimes we even dread the Beginning, because the middle seems so close and the work it takes to survive to the completion seems bigger than us.
I do not look too far ahead, so I will not get caught in this. I begin, I start, I listen, I put one foot out at a time, and watch my feet to match my next step. This is the way I begin safely, firmly, steadily.
These times have so many surprises, because there are so many beginnings, because there are so many endings. Time is opening and closing so much that we feel as if we are spinning and that is part of it. So much is breaking down into chaos and that chaos assures us that a whole new pattern is spinning into place.
After this, we must dare to put our foot out, because there is always the foundation of a new beginning. The Oracle of Time has called me to a new.foundation.
I must look around to see the landscape of this day. Exciting.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#8b Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial pattern Deck
This Imprint moves in support of Realm Awareness of Hyperspace Receivement of the Dream, and is increased into all dimensionality of Beingness, and the empowerment of Recognition of Gift received, is multiplied by Infinity.
[ Visit our site for more Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns: www.situlacodex.com/ancient-fey-codex ]
Wow...time to get on the fast train...so much founding to do for the day...thank you for the enthusiasm!!