Completing each process now, as the rebirth moves into place. Time riding a deep curve, I prepare for a successful reach of compassion. The central figure, Black, and the irrational being poured out in this time.
The compassion rises and the old pattern of distortion being released from its roots through eons of time that does not know light. The Kept secret being revealed by the truth. Without black we have no mother, without yellow we have no father.
Black and Yellow-- Mercury and Sulfur, without it --no new life. These are the signature colors of the Bee. White-- Salt-- the third part. The Alchemical Child pecking its way out of the shell. The neck must be strengthened by pecking its own way.
Rebirth-- pulling up old patterns of dominance. New patterns of love, compassion, recognition, value, evolvement, all coming above ground to unlimited all the colors of the world; line, shape, color, position, and place, all the deficits of time and space. A deeper look is needed now.
Rioting, screaming, fighting war, all old. Now time to examine Root Cause.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
# 9 Omnidirectional Healing Light Pattern Deck
Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing
Vibration of harmonic transferal of information from past on into present, and the repatterining of this information at its Highest Potential of Discernment.
this piece covers every feeling of anxiety i have had for the last 3 months, thank you for speaking the Realness of this time!! and the encouragement you share!!!!