" The stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures," Thomas Campbell, Lochiel's Warning, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
This day entirely made up by my own recognition Intent. I fortify myself. I strap up, put on my Valkyrie gear of; helmet, mask, shield, arm and wrist bands, sword, boots, and strap up for who I am.
Age is only a number and I am much more than the sum of that. I mask up for silence, distance, for elbow room, I make sure I emit compassion , caring, and love. I intention my morning day and night.
My mantra, " I hive my mind to embody Black, Yellow, and Bee." All essential to the future of this world. All the signatures of the Value of the Bee and the people have the power of abundance in unique ways.
The battle is less in the body, but instead in the psyche. We are in the Gestational position of the change. We do not want to turn in and own the viral psychic attack by expressing hate, but instead laying our own Golden Amblic Egg that has viral immunity. Speak Black, Yellow, Bee.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#17 Creativity Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Outer Expressionary
This is the time space set that moves time and space out of present state and enables it to be set into another dimensionally awareness space, for more exact position and placement, for recognition acceleration.
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