
Friday, May 28, 2021

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

"Our Culture has divorced mind & body (Cartesion dualism), brain & spinal cord (instinct), cerebral cortex & limbic system (appropriateness); slain intuition ('inner tutor') for logic, & castrated emotion for thinking.", Dr. John Mumford, A Charka Kudalini Workbook.

"Each day confers with the one before & after it. There is an importance to this & it keeps us aware & conscious to our lives. We evaluate & confer with our deepest parts, so that we can be conscious of who we are.

There is an openness that this creates with ourselves & our very life itself. At times this gets interfered with & we must take time to inventory what is & what is not. We must make a full rotation of ourselves, so that all we are is registered & make sure all parts & elements are included.

Do not conjure away your strength as only the result of something else. Map yourself & follow your course, so that you can start & build the base of the future. In this, you will begin to understand why you must keep your creative imagination alive & willing to be within your own realm of guidance.

Tidy up all the scores & mark down the levels needed to aspire the 'perfect cubic Ashlar', the Philosopher's Stone, which becomes the 'keystone' of all human endeavor.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. 

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#5 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

Formulatory Patterning of Highest Potential Self

Vibrational Imprint of the harmonics of each individual's highest Knowing, brought forth into Feeling, & then projected forth in the Center of One's Being into Beingness, from the Center...How to form the pattern of the Highest Self. [Visit our site for more: ]

1 comment:

  1. This is monumental insight as we move to inventory ourselves with all the parts of ourselves for personal reflection. Thank you for always giving of your insights!!


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