"Fire Seed of Ether (Space), this portends a beneficial change in your current situation. This change may be one of mental perspective. Fire, when combined with Ether (Space) becomes transformative, & even transmutative. Fire embodies the soul of desire, motivation, achievement, & enthusiasm. When combined with Ether (boundless space) it produces a current of limitlessness.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
The central focus for me at this time is to allow time to break down in me. I need to give room for the individual focus, so the garden can become animated.
I must come into focus of one small part at a time, so the pleasure can flow. I often work with the big picture in full detail. This is a bit too much for the 5th eye, so then I close it for a rest & wait till my own sight is clear.
Too much detail at once can overwhelm my system, so then I settle into one part at a time. The interior conservatory of rhythm comes into my timing. This is how we can expand time & avoid exhaustion. As a navigator, I realize this is the only way for me.
I am more close-up than far away. I require more light than even before, & it must be given room to facilitate more ease & comfort. Today I bow into the Garden Plan under my feet & above my head.
It is a Nut and Geb kind of thing, a Romance between the above & below.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#4 Body Zero Healing Light Imprintsial pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern creates the force field equalizer. This enables Body Zero to move without interruptial patterns that interfere with the clarity of its recalculation & actualization of angelic form.
[Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/body-zero ]
This pattern really supports the movements for today...and the “inner conservatory of rhythm”...wow that a great concept!! Thanks!!