
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

 "The Crescent Moon resembles a cup holding 'Amrita' or the 'nectar of the Gods'. The current situation will not last, it is a temporary phase and requires skillful utilization before it flattens.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is a time of careful but full resonance and it qualifies the distance needed. We are often making gestures of triumph before we are actually done, and this may make us careless and not ready for the balance of completion. Completion is a whole phase of its own in the alchemical position.

Keep you eye on the wheel as you begin to drive down the road to completion. Maintain enthusiasm, yet keep firm your direction, intent, and joy. All motion becomes a bit exaggerated at this time and one must be wise to oneself.

Moving toward completion is not only physical, but it is also a state of the mind, heart, and Soul. Keeping in touch with your resilience and what creates it is good and very stabilizing as you put in the last pieces, until you meet the curve you have been seeking.

I will change my rhythm a bit to get a better hold of what really counts for me. Letting go of what really does not count is helpful here inside of Water Seed of Air.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#1b Ancient Fey Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint works in support of the Evolutional Assortment of Time Dispersals, separated out to recall original color value set, so that sight can move into the awareness of color value layering, that occurs at different evolutionary speeds, so as to control assimilatory calculatory movement.

[For more Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns, visit our site: ]

1 comment:

  1. Amazing visual for this day, must keep it in my heart mind today so as not to get lost in purpose...thank you!!


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