
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

The full posture of this time is simple. Diplomacy and how does that create optimism and cooperation? Intention is the most powerful of tools and it is especially well done by women.

"The operation, as they say, is in truth for women." Basil Valentine 1500 A.D. 
"Women can blend optimism and cooperation, enthusiasm, and gentleness into a harmonious brew.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. I have so learned "that some problems can be best solved by being dissolved gently, subsequently "absolved",  Dr. John Mumford. 
Life is uncertain at this time for many of us and this time within is helping with the dissolvement.

I sit into the words I receive as gift and come into a new response to who I am in my own presence and life. There are vast pictures of opinions by others, but what I now do is sit and process my own, and why I move about and interrelate with others, myself, and the Soul and Mystery that I reach for deeper solidity.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#21 Holographic Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sequential editing of processed thought. ideas must be done before quantralized momentum can build in Holographic Projectional requirement. speed rate.
This imprint activates this into trinity code, so the exactness of desired form can be exacted into speed rate.

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