"Fire Seed of Ether (Space) : This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. The change may be one of physical locality or an alteration of mental perspective. Consider that prosperity follows upon geographical travel or 'flights of fancy'. Such a change, if handled correctly, will be fruitful in the realms of company or personal re-organization, spiritual growth, & creative inspiration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Hopefully all these are moving within this day. Preparing for the seeding, in the physical realm, enriched with flowers, herbs, and vegetables that feed my body in all these ways. I am so excited about seeding a new pattern for this world this year, so excited about their numerology patterns, DNA codes, and aligning them with ours. Yesterday; Cilantro, Spinach, Peas, and Swiss Chard, today; Zinnias, Basil, Holy Basil, Blue Cornflowers, Red Bean Runners, Nasturtiums, Beans, Beans, and Beans. Our sacred Valkyrie they are. Fire Seed of Ether (Space), Transmutation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.