"A new dimension of satisfaction may prevail by eschewing both dependent & independent stances, for a relationship of interdependence & creative cooperation. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge which connects the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
It seem that summer is settling into it waters. It does this so well in Maine. I try to accompany myself with a wider allowance. Something new always comes out of this break in ordinary routine.
I seem to cope better when I move from passion to compassion, most of all for myself. I start threading an intentional thread of love, & what other can do more, to open me into a mutual harmony?
Listening to the possible yield so much more territory than the impossible. We are here to make the impossible possible, not the possible impossible, but that does press, when you crawl on the floor of what is really moving.
The impossible relates differently when you are already on the floor to hear. From there it can only lift you up, as it competes for territory in the mind. I am going to sit on the floor of understanding & wait for it to have to rise.
I am not a lifter of heavy weights, I am a conjugator of levitation. Rise up your cloth of awareness & walk, & mutual harmony will come throughout your day.
~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
#12 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint quantralizes formulation calculatorial sound Imprintsial Patterns into formulated form knowing into exactness. This exactness enables the moment of recognition to mobilize the exact tonal value, for the exact manifestational form. [Visit our site for more: www.situlacodex.com/manifestational-codex ]
You have said something that is so essential to our understanding of why we are here..to make the impossible so possible, sounds easy but the challenges have been great…but these words bring peace and assurance…thank you so much!!