
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

(Click image for larger view)

The secret of the Circle is what rests within its frame and the mental plane of what will rotate onto the surface of the square.

I have come to a needed space of confusion and its boundaries have been completely felt. Robert & I both restless this night, as we go in and out of our sleep. I feel exhausted, but awake, and the very nature of the night congeals no realization, but the effort to write does seem to yield a surface to land upon.

The circle, like a round bed, and the square, my frame spinning in a whirlwind of potentials. I unpour myself and move to dreaming once again for solace.

The center of circle negotiates, the square opens and I begin to realize the solid nature of my life in a new way. Perspective being the vehicle of moving obstacles I bring the airy concept of change into a solid matter of daily awareness.

The requirements of past are seen as unstable and the allowance of future is seen as open to the recognition. I am human and my human ways are the most powerful. Through my humanness  I become angelic.


  1. "The requirements of past are seen as unstable and the allowance of future is seen as open to the recognition." AMEN to that....I surely feel that unstableness and determined will is holding me upright. Have felt scattered and as though parts of me are drifting away and that there will new space to be filled. Thanks for your words of encouragement!!!!!!!

  2. I love the reminder that it is in our humanness that we are most powerful and become angelic. It's interesting to see the confusion that's been so prevalent around us lately as a "needed" space -- it is indeed the change in perspective needed to move the obstacles and I, too, feel the solidity forming more under my feet in my everyday movement because of it!

  3. Sandra, what an insight. Thank you for saying what you feel as these words are shared between us.
    love, Su.Sane

  4. Suzanne, thank you for for sharing the sense of solidity under yur feet.
    love, Su.Sane


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