
Friday, May 3, 2024

Air Seed of Air: Supernal Nurturer

 "Air feeds Fire, sparkles Water, & nourishes Earth. Air is a Jacob's two-way ladder, from above to below & below to above. The present situation requires a conscious two-way stretch. Become like Janus, the Roman god of the New Year, who looks both back & forward, simultaneously. The future grows out of the present, which in turn, is a product of the past.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I'm starting to feel a bit like a roofer, the way of my Robert and my grandfather, climbing up and down the chimney and roof, I bridge over with one ladder to the rooftop of the chimney next door. Next door being the future. I am learning to balance myself in the two-way stretch, from past to present, present to future, and future to past. This is the alchemy of the every day life, and it cannot be skipped, so get a rope, strap it around your legs, so if you fall you won't hit the bottom, but instead, swing over the abyss and reach a safe future. Grateful for this balance inherited and married to. Air Seed of Air, Supernal Nurturer. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

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