
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

"Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers. Do not defer or delay; it is appropriate to move from the subjective world to the objective world of concretely instigating. It is 'on the cards' & 'in the cards' as an auspicious time favoring an unexpected relationship developing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

The unsuspected relationship I realize is with Silence. I was taught to be afraid of it, or forced to become it, and that's why I had to start writing in secret, a secret voice, a secret word, a secret seeing to be kept quiet. I've lost many teeth grinding it down, but the Voice continues to come and it is much stronger now, and my lips still wrap around the words, and I become soft with myself, and now I can still sit in Silence and hear what becomes me, so beautifully. Water Seed of Earth, Alliances. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

"The signal of this card is Start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb from which all our creations & projects can be born, for Terra Firma provides a secure foundation which, if carefully tended, can support a crop of projects.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Perfect for the beginning, for thinking of seeds, making small moments fertile, and respecting their space. Each seed for tomorrow, and beyond, is now negotiating for room, light, and Earth. Inside, I'm negotiating for the same. Much Potency felt real today. Earth Seed of Earth, Foundation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Air Seed of Water: Calm

"Air & Water are neither friends nor enemies; they are neutral. Perseverance preserves what you have already established & permits the cycle to roll-over into new opportunities.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 For me, calm comes after a storm, and I'm in the process of entering a new cycle, that allows me to roll over into a new rhythm. The aftermath of the storm is here, and I am sitting inside of it, so that I can calmly roll over into a new cycle with Grace. Air Seed of Water, Calm. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle

"'Squaring the Circle' is the mental alchemical process of transferring an Airy concept from the mental plane to the physical dimension, so the objective conception & birth become a demonstrative reality.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Deep inside this alchemical position, actually for days in this specific area. I calm the forces within me to equalize my choices, so I can rise up through a level that I have not been able to understand. I open my heart and schedule, so I can allow it to begin to reign within me. This will create within me the corners I need to Square the Circle, and bring the mental clarity I need, to create freely, fully, and sacredly. Air Seed of Earth, Squaring the Circle. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

"The right amount of tempered optimism & enthusiasm fire the kiln, bringing your endeavors a step closer to completion. Tend the oven, sustain the flames & keep sight of the desired end. All human success results from the discernment of patterns in nature.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Creating more desired enthusiasm by opening up Time and Space, through letting go of any schedule today, that gives time for the bubble up, bubble in, and bubble out, otherwise at these times one might explode, and since that's not too helpful today, I'm letting go of the no time schedule, so alchemy can reign in Enthusiasm. Fire Seed of Earth, Alchemy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

 Space (Ether) is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches. Ether Seed of Ether always forecasts an optimum period for dramatic shifts in regards to persons, places, or things. The theme now is change, fresh starts, renewal, expansion of business or personal pursuits, rebirth, travel, rejuvenation, & regeneration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Planted within me now is new space around how I see our work, and how unobliged it is, which frees up the seeker. It is, and that is all it requires. It expresses, and that is all the Space it needs, the rest is travel.  Ether Seed of Ether (Space), Rebirth. ~Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

"Water, sometimes described as the universal solvent, is the feminine power of cooperation opposed to masculine competition. All Water flows, washes, adapts, & brings nurturing respite to the arid wastelands of our lives. When this symbol is drawn it behooves us to remember that some problems can best be 'solved' by being' dissolved' gently, & subsequently 'absolved'. Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 I feel like Water itself today, flowing in and out of what I need, timing and pace, and surrender to today. I am at a slower speed rate, and I'm not quite even up yet from inside. Allowing the inside to wash over me, I become like rain pouring into my Soul. Dissolving, instead of resolving. Water Seed of Water, Diplomacy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

"Fire Seed of Fire is the most primeval Element of all. Fire is a manifest archetype of creation, power, & birth. In the human sphere, Fire elicits 'burning passion' & aspiration for illumination. Fire Seed of Fire, is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Only by enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Sitting within the cauldron of desire, I feel the tiny structures of convenience settling into the movement of my day. Yes, I'm allowed convenience, and I almost threw it away thinking it was against the rules, but in essence it is needed in every movement of the journey, and the cauldron awakened that in me today. What a Resolve that will give to my life. Fire Seed of Fire, Resolve. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

"A change is ensuing in which the flame is almost ready to reach across the abyss of space, on the back of the wind. Allowing yourself more freedom, extroversion, entertainment, & self-expression will assist your plan to be 'hatched out' of the Cosmic Egg (Ether).", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 The consistency of this time is potent, and I can feel the heat of my breath on my back, as I begin to cross over into a new definite speed rate. Incubation, Potent. Ether Seed of Fire, Incubation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

 "Dissatisfaction with your present circumstances can be overcome by putting a new venture into motion. Reassess your aims & situation. This is a good cycle in which to set forth boldly & energetically follow your ambitions. The Earth in conjunction with Water, is good; not too much Water, nor too little--just right!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I feel boldness rattling around within me, and I know it's finally going to pop out, so I got my shoes on early, just in case it catches me unprepared. I'll start out with a good swift walk, putting a good foot forward, boldly engaging my deep self. Earth Seed of Water, Boldness. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Ether Seed of Water: Daring

"The Water element, as for all elements, is bounded by limitless space, Ether. Water & Earth are natural friends; Water, as an unconscious lunar archetype, symbolizes the forces within us seeking security, stability, & closeness nestling into Terra Firma.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 I felt the need for nestling as soon as I woke up. Permission is the hardest thing to get for nestling in, we have be paid for it for it to become already, so nestling in today was a risk. Robert & I nestled in until 11:30, and now for some odd reason we are under arrest by "The artist should work so hard, if they want to succeed" art manager, but somehow I lost track of her, and slept in anyway, now I'm ready for Daring. Ether Seed of Water, Daring. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

"This is the time to progress through extroverted self-expression coupled with reaching out & engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be beneficial to others. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire; such a conjunction bodes well for all undertakings.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

How much alchemy is involved in the so called every day life amazes me. We are always breaking down, building up, regenerating, reseeding, transformation. We have no space that the elements aren't busy moving life into change. The more we express, the more we change. Reaching out requires an enthusiastic doer, as well as an enthusiastic receiver, and this is a privilege of our life in this world. Today I will engage, reach out, and share, because the Alchemical Egg is forever regenerating, potentizing, and enriching my world and yours. This I call a Nestial Life. Fire Seed of Water, Vaporization. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Water Seed of Earth: Alliances

"Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers. Do not defer or delay; it is appropriate to move from the subjective world to the objective world of concretely instigating. It is 'on the cards' & 'in the cards' as an auspicious time favoring an unexpected relationship developing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is a beautiful alchemical position to work with, it's very Grail orientated thus the legend is alchemical. I feel this moving through this morning and I am more gentle with it, and less resistance. What is king in my life and sovereign is now what I am giving more room, so that I am ready for the alchemical wedding within me. There is a pouring happening, and I allow it to run over my face. The unexpected is coming into my life in new and beautiful ways. Water Seed of Earth, Alliances. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Monday, March 18, 2024

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air, can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing, lively way.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Effervesance, the pioneering word in these days, and much is challenged by it. So many keep a low profile to stay safe that is hard sometimes to bubble up with something new, when even the old has not even fully been taken in. Need a new parking spot for my effervescent ways, with possibly a few orange cones, to protect it on the sides. Bubbling up anyway. Water Seed of Air, Effervescence. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

"The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free & lay its own golden eggs, each a miniature Alembic. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Feeling myself moving up through a gestational period in certain areas, I feel this coincides with the world as it's trying to eradicate areas of hate within and without. I feel comforted by this alchemical position and its promise of successful futures that are at present foreshadowed by worry and stress. Grateful. Ether Seed of Earth, Gestation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

 This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. Ultimately, this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is one of those alchemical positions that you are in waist deep before you even know it, so you only hope that your feet are in the right place, because everything is starting to ground in a powerful position, so you must know who you are, where you are, and when you are. All these have a way of sliding around, you must not be too confused about yourself. This is not always true for me, so what I ground up today is more than walnuts, which are for transition, so I look around and I am amazingly in place, and ready to begin painting once more, new content. Air Seed Ether, Transformation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

"Fire & Air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding Fire, & Fire is grateful. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge joining the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. An initial phase of introspection will resolve into a condition of beneficial settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This is my beloved and my alchemy, Mutual Harmony, and I am grateful. We are continuously working in this alchemical way, and this is how we create our work. An alchemy present when we wake up, and go to bed, and we are grateful, because it feeds our love in so many ways. We seem to always be in some transformative position, and this always helps us see our way through and out. The enthusiastic doer and receiver, are always recognized and rewarded in this process of alchemy. Air Seed of Fire, Mutual Harmony. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

 "Start & emphasize creativity. Deep within the mountain is the alchemist's furnace containing the flame of your vision; the fire radiates the warmth that can germinate the seed of your aspiration. Make decisions based around your priorities while nurturing the seed & erecting the infrastructure.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

A lot is asked here in this alchemical position, definitely multi-tasking, and I'm trying to slow down on that, so I think I'll pick a seed that is ready, and all of this is already been done. So I'll pick something I've prepared from another day, and ease up and speed up this position, by using another alchemical position that makes it ready. On top of it, but not under it. Namaste. Earth Seed Fire, Potential.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

 "Dissatisfaction with your present circumstances can be overcome by putting a new venture into motion. Reassess your aims & situation. This is a good cycle in which to set forth boldly & energetically follow your ambitions. The Earth in conjunction with Water, is good; not too much Water, nor too little--just right!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Sitting into the concept of Boldness, watching through my body what begins to take part, I find Boldness may mean yielding to my inner spirit, or walking forward into more different nuances of life, or embracing a new position of concepts, or moving a whole room around in order to create a new positional statement. Boldness takes courage, and there are times that I feel that deeply, and others, not so much. Boldness, being a reach I can master today. Earth Seed of Water, Boldness. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Ether Seed of Ether (Space): Rebirth

Space (Ether) is always pregnant with freedom & possibilities of fresh starts & new approaches. Ether Seed of Ether always forecasts an optimum period for dramatic shifts in regards to persons, places, or things. The theme now is change, fresh starts, renewal, expansion of business or personal pursuits, rebirth, travel, rejuvenation, & regeneration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Ether Seed of Ether, Space is a place that a Raven is quite comfortable in, often connected with Ether. The Raven in me is always creating ways to see space differently, to make abundance within it and soothing place for the Soul to create within. This, in itself, creates a whole plateau for building, creating, and climbing into. I roll myself up in this etheric esoteric space of wonder. Ether Seed of Ether, Space. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

"Fire & Air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding Fire & Fire is grateful. Success is contingent upon finding the bridge joining the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Everything says I'm ready, but what am I ready for?, so I put my hand out to you, my Air, and focus on what we are together ready for. What have you got planned? I can't wait to hear, then we will activate our enthusiasm and cross the bridge together. Just speak up and say when, how, and why. Magic words to my ears. Air Seed of Fire, Mutual Harmony. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy

"Water Seed of Ether, presages a coming cycle of enthusiasm followed by a temporary plateau (allowing recuperation & regrouping) & then a sudden growth spurt, ending with a conclusive settlement.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "What ever you can do or dream, you can. Boldness has Genius, Power, & Magic in it.", J.W. Goethe.

Boldness, not always an easy word to become, but in its becoming all the other words are light and moveable. So Boldness is the sought thought, and if thought enough, it is the intention that reigns the day. Intention, using tension to make I N, and the course is made real. To bold it is to mold it, and to mold it creates the line age, lineage. Make it so. Water Seed of Ether, Synergy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

"This is the time to rearrange your plans carefully, & go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant & which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat. Ultimately, this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new positive phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

This in itself takes a lot of stand back room, because it gives you more generous inspiration, and your breath can be deep enough to create realization. Once your body knows this new room is available, it, in itself, will begin to shift the perspective and a sense of freedom. I imprinted more of our patterns this morning, because when this room is made you need to fill it up with the changes that you'll need to be, or everything else will fill it up for you. So I imprinted, activated, integrated, and locked in new Body Zero Manifestational Patterns. These avatars will help me today with this alchemical process. Air Seed of Ether, Transformation. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

"Dissatisfaction with your present circumstances can be overcome by putting a new venture into motion. Reassess your aims & situation. This is a good cycle in which to set forth boldly & energetically follow your ambitions. The Earth in conjunction with Water, is good; not too much Water, nor too little--just right!", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 A day for turning everything upside down and rearranging it in a new fold. Looking at everything that seems important and examining its input, maybe changing the rules. Climbing up through my own identity to myself, and making Water more my boldness to flow where I haven't flowed before, to ground my feet in what I have not grounded my feet before. Not easy, but liking this new curve. Earth Seed of Water, Boldness. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Monday, March 4, 2024

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air, can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing, lively way.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Occupying a new space within myself, there is new room for effervescence, because I am so much closer to my original breath of positivity, the one I came here with, the one that knows I am safe within myself, and I already know the Plan, so I don't need to go out and pick up any failure whatsoever. Effervescence comes from this because there is no drop in the bubbling potential of the moment. Water Seed of Air, Effervescence. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.


Sunday, March 3, 2024

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

 "The right amount of tempered optimism & enthusiasm fire the kiln, bringing your endeavors a step closer to completion. Tend the oven, sustain the flames & keep sight of the desired end. All human success results from the discernment of patterns in nature.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Wonderful morning, to tend the oven. Cloudy and cold, all the environment you need to dig in and build your alchemical menu for today. Rally the coals for a widening, that will feed your stretch, and build your layers. Namaste. Fire Seed of Earth, Alchemy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

"This is the time to progress through extroverted self-expression coupled with reaching out & engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans, but will be beneficial to others. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire; such a conjunction bodes well for all undertakings.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Too much Fiery Water and Watery Fire last night, finally went to sleep at 5 a.m. and woke up at 12 p.m.. This is the way this alchemy works, now more settled, and I begin to feel the smooth openness that I need to fine-tune my life, and allow more initiatory energy to settle within me. Fire Seed of Water, Vaporization. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.