"A wrapping up of the past with the present is necessary for advancement & the sight of new horizons. The bitter with the sweet, highs & lows, peaks & valleys, all coagulate at this time enabling personal integration & growth.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Alchemy is all about pulling the Red Thread through the eye of the needle. Wrapping up of the past is like pulling through the swaddle of what now was and is. Swaddling oneself, wrapping up the alchemical child, like a family bed, I swaddled up the alchemical child's of my life. I have fed them, and I will continue to feed them, because I am their mother, and I know what a mother knows, and allow the child to grow up in a family bed of my dreaming. Swaddle me, sweet fire of transformation and allow me a new dream to mother. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.
Holographic Imprint 21
Sequential editing of processed thought ideas, must be done before quantralized momentum can build, in Holographic Projectional requirement speed rate. This imprint activates this into trinary code, so the exactness of desired form, can be exacted into speed rate.