Beginning the Start, Creating a foundation, stepping the step. Speaking the word, pacing the rhythm, all part of Earth Seed of Earth. Finally feeling the rumble under my feet. Gaia's voice speaking spring and I am lifted up onto a new foundation.
I step onto terra firma with the conviction created by my inner world. The last few months creating many new perspectives of what is now needed, and the center of my creativity unfolding in many new ways. The sacred position of this new foundation is more organic and allowing.
This is sometimes a harder position for me to always remain. This year I must, because without the seed of patience I will feel unknown and failed. I must Be.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#36 Recognition Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Being is beyond belief, and it can stand before all.
The siren calls and I begin to rise into the current needed for this day. I fall forward and smell what needs to surface. My inner company has now nourished me enough that I long to smell dirt, water, seeds, and begin to repair and rework the garden, that has completely changed its format.
This is much like what has happened in our work and social world. Exciting, yet overwhelming, is the new garden plan I must recover from my dreaming. I have new shoes for my daytime feet that I ordered, and they place me very differently on Terra Firma.
I must be bold and allow my feet to walk and carry me in a whole new way. Not so comfortable yet, but I must walk with them in a whole new placement and plan. Flip flop, which I never wear, are engaging new muscles, new stance, and ready for some heat. The cauldron of creativity starts to stir.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#8b Fairy Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint moves in support of Realm Awareness of Hyperspace Receivement of the Dream, and is increased of all dimensionality of Beingness, and the empowerment of the Recognition of Gift received, is multiplied by Infinity.
The folding element of this day is multiplied in many ways of acceptance. I incur a momentual volume of realization and this in itself consoles me. I accompany myself with this morning's grace, and feel inside my motion of living.
The seed of acceptance fills me with the patience I need to engage the extroversion needed to combine more insight. I must now fold deeper into my work and all it regenerates in me and my life. Robert and I collaborate in all the angles we need to volume the sacred in our understanding.
We allow the water to rise and the heat of our creativity to hold the potent vessel safe and reconciled of any obstacle to its regenerational speed.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#62 Recognition Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Bring Into the Center
Bring into the Center of your feelings that which is brought to you through the Heart of Gold.
Move the knowing into expression felt and feel the realness of the Dream.
The folding moment sits quietly in my lap. I reach across my memory and embody my day, as if I know it so well. Turning Time into memories, I make the ready form I still embody, more honored in time, movement, and creativity.
Many years of my life have been in taking care of others, as a nurse and mother, but now I incubate a new pattern of my life, and it is taking care of myself.
It is as much trouble as taking care of small children. Yoga, Chi Gong, meditation, walking, writing, eating carefully, and being gentle with who I am.
I care for my work, destiny, authentic language, and my beloved Robert, who equally cares for me. I have planted the seeds of a whole new life, and the pattern sits in my lap, as I allow it to cover me and direct my future way.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#33 Recognition Healing Imrpintsial Pattern Deck
Be and Achieve
It is in the being that one is.
It is in the being that one achieves.
It is in the being that one speaks clearly.
It is in the clarity of center that one is, achieves,
and speaks in the completeness of one being.
The deep full poetry of being alive is a bold gesture of trust. The naked reality, of why we come here to be, is a bold desire to love and be loved.
Today I will plant more bold seeds for our Garden. All seeds I planted earlier have had a 100% germination. They have inspired the alchemy in me to listen to the earth more deeply and boldly, for the new life we all are becoming.
I will be even bolder and listen deeper till I hear the sweet sounds of tulip cutting up through the Garden Plan. Yellow, red, blue, and orange, all cutting up through like a rainbow from below. Cutting through like tulip.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#4 Holographic Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Twice momentual regulation is activated once a thought idea has projected into calculated form, beyond once, so that interference is experienced in momentual felt, beyond first experience, or first felt.
This keeps the Holographic Projection from ever calculating the bliss maintained.
This releases this momentual regulation from its hold on the responsial patterning, and allows the pattern to expand beyond once.
Sounding the potent way of listening, I sit within the beauty of this day. A solitary piece I am as I come to the words I need. I open the nature of nurturance and cautiously move through the currents of this time of Great Need.
I accumulate patience and allow what means to mean more. I do not take for granite any moment of this day. I swallow its beauty into my longing. When the calm between storms enters, I open to its presence, so that I can feel my way into joy and grace.
Each storm an accurency rise that creates the next calm until we all reach the calm of a new and potency rich new pattern of love, ease, and compassion.
#38 Flower Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
California Poppy, Brazil Nut, Rose Gallica Verisecolor
This trinity vibrational harmonics works with the cognizance of reality seen and created. This enables the Body Zero to freely choose beyond the seen intent of each moment and into the potentialities of what could be, and can be, in each moment.
Once one is able to move this gravity lifts, and what was seen as impossible becomes unlimited.
The singularly fortunate, now move into the multiple gestation of the many. The formal gesture opens the hands of receivement, as the many-hand lotus. We accumulate the many and begin to unfold the collaborative reach.
To begin is not enough, to hold is not enough, to feel is not enough, to know is not enough, to correspond is not enough, but to do all is enough, and only the collaboration will be enough. It is through this collaboration that recognition becomes, and this is finally enough.
The will of future seals the will of past and present. I am inside of this gestational day and I carry the seed into its migration into plant, the gestational alchemical child.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#25 Omnidirectional Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Harmonical Aquavational Equalizer of Life Experiencing
Vibration of perceptional fluidial balance, within the body frame, while one goes deep into the unconscious memory of Insightual Knowing.
The secondary score moves into this time of the word. The survival of the spoken gives timing that yields room, space, and the word. The Word, Logos, the spoken letter of the Intent. I cut through the squared perspective.
The open nature of a constant mode gathers until the sense of knowing to match the feeling of your own personal alchemy. In the coming forward, the word alchemizes the forward gesture of communication with your inner sense. The coming free is structured to meet the curve and connection of each day.
The folding character of the self is moved into a fold of self love. I address myself in a whole new way. I display compassion to the sensorial word I speak to myself.
~ Raven SuSane
#13 Holographic Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Molecular processing is the instance of molecular recognition into form realization. This Imprint works in support of the materialization formulation of form realization, beyond molecular binary focular emphasis. Binary focular emphasis is the realization combinational vortexular structure, for processed molecular structural form.
Sitting inside the fiery cauldron, I begin to occupy an Airy Concept fully. I call it down into earth, the resulting factor of Squaring the Circle. This is not only alchemy, but it is the consciousness of our work.
We wash in unison, to allow and still mobilize what is in the mind, in its most inspirational mode, being brought into a hospitable grace that rounds the factors, and corners the new life it folds into reality.
I listen to the music of Philip Glass, absolutely the most effective sound of grounding, and squaring the corners of a rounded circle of distance, becoming close and manifested.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#27 Recognition Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Join Into Recognition
Respect that which you know.
Respect that which you feel.
Allow them to join into recognition, not always to be separated to create fear and loss.
The thorough moment is sensitively hidden and I capture my feed to it, to sit and listen. The sacred volume of what I desire in my life is outside of religion, but instead deeply planted in how I see each part and moment of how I live.
I secure my hum with the sound of my question, and I follow its note that is threaded into my desire. I seek and observe all the contents needed to dispel the lie that owns all sacred within anyone, group, or religion, as if the reversal of the light owns the light.
I know to sit in the light and hear the voice of a clarity that marks my life in beauty, love, compassion, recognition, and grace. So be it.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#10 Body Zero Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern creates the informational conceptionalizational formulator, which allows Body Zero to accumulate records of time and space received, but awareness of records are now to be released for Body Zero accelerated movement of awareness, and release patterns sets that have maintained the status quo for Body Zero's miscalculations.
The creative channel that supports me is within the Synergy of my life and work. I fulfill each moment through this creative repose that is needed to be bold. I acquire more nourishment in this time, by creating a steady flow of insight, by deeply listening to the rhythm and beat of my own intention.
It is not so much how, but instead why. I am inside the question I need to establish a relationship of joy I need. In this part of the work of this year, there is a lost space that I need to reclaim.
I yield to my body's needs, ease, and an intention of creating more joy.
I connect this joy to all I do in a synergy of inclusive joy.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Holographic Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Molecular processing is the instance of molecular recognition into form realization. This Imprint works in support of the materialization formulation of form realization, beyond molecular binary focular emphasis. Binary focular emphasis is the realization combinational vortexual structure, for processed molecular structural form.
Mental alchemy, the algebraic Geometry of Squaring the Circle. The parting factors of the mathematical sit within the formulation. I center my mind in the changing oracles of this sequence, and I yield room for new numbers, new codes, new positional references.
The slanted orientation of the Oriental mind is valued in this time of number change. Kuan Yin, the Oriental Goddess of Compassion, and Oya, the Nigerian Goddess of Wind and mediation, stand near us as we re-orientate. We mediate our lives to a new code of existence in all worlds.
I take hold of this time and allow the edge to position me more exactly.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#53 Flower Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Corn, Queen Anne's Lace, Chickweed
This flower essence modifier works in support of trinary code quantralization into hyperspace assimilatory speed. This enables the Body Zero to be able to move beyond required time and space, for assimilation of volume.
As volume is unlimited , then time and space also need unlimiting, and this essence works in support of this process.
Engendered space now moves through us and we maneuver our way through change. Inside the memory is a quiet repose and the nature of this time pulls me inward. The forgiving grace moves under the score of this time.
The cellular potential is moved through the timing and the fold is accepted, so that the memory is able to enter the time. I remember through the position of opening and I count backward, as I maintain my position and purpose.
I Intent all that rotates around me and I call forward a continuance of love. The full mark is made seen and I encounter less need not met. I become unwavered by the motion of this time and rest more deeply.
#55 Flower Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Iris, Borage, Blue Flag
This flower essence vibratory trinary pattern moves the unimaginable into the imaginable, so that the feeling of what is the dream projection is felt into form, and can be felt into being.
Once this is done the imaginable becomes potential, and potential is felt into being.
The stately maize of energies in this time are beginning to recognize the moments, movements, and tones of binding. We are spell bound on most particularly all levels of our life.
This is an ancient rite preventing passage and we hold the memory of loss of space in our incarnational waters. Our life work is come in this time of unbinding and it becomes totally unbound. Over the eons life has become bound and rebound till it is so complex that we do not remember being unbound.
This is the time of unbinding and the 800 patterns of Imprintsial unbind us on all levels. Each pattern is in the field of each soul and the unbinding is creating a full awakening that creates a full pattern shift in all our lives. These patterns are more contagious than any virus. We apply the pattern needed each day to unbind another layer of our consciousness.
Daring this is, and it is already done and cannot be stopped of the truth it unbinds and enfolds. Every single being in this world and many others have all 800 of these unbinding patterns in their auric field to use to unbind each day.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#5 Omnidirectional Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Formulatory Patterning of Highest Potential Self
Vibrational Imprint of the harmonics of each individual's highest Knowing, brought forth into Feeling, and then projected forth, in the Center of One's Being, into Beingness from the Center.
An enthusiastic heart is a rare and tempered space in our world. We have a whole integrated system of communication, which is in word, picture, and sound, but few can move the enthusiastic heart to more than a few.
This world, stingy with its creative power for fear, and in this, this state is hard to express or capture onto the technical system of communication. Letting down the wires of like, and move to the unwired fire of love.
We count our measure for fear of loss of meaning, but instead the mark that takes more time is love, enthusiastic love that will fill the creative within us with encouragement, freedom, and enthusiasm, instead of the mediocre measured, and time not forgotten of its needs, we give like instead of love.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#64 Body Zero Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Through this Imprintsial Pattern the masculine expression, that was moved into eclipsial patterning, is excised in intensity, and the masculine expression is returned to the original uneclupsed pattern, before time was deceived.
The sacred performance is tallied in the numbers of its cause. The timing is fired to the brim, and the space of ether is secreted within it. I take hold of the tail of this dragon and try to ride it on a wide course.
The leviathan rises and the water's edge is thinned. Marking the way with the crumbs of another life, I fold the thin into wide. There is a new life forming across board of time, and the piece played is not bored with life, living, or need.
Need is a multiplication of desire, and the full integrity is rolled into the next room. Space occupies fire and the tender shoots emerge. Success.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#3 Creativity Outer Expressionary Healing Imprintial Deck
This causes this movement to go beyond sound misperception. Apply it when the word is challenged.
The center unfolds the sacred rhythm of what timing in its own circumference rhythm can move. The equal measure supports me and folds the alchemy into the motion of this day. I become part of the alchemy and do not sit outside of it.
I measure the length and breath of this day and move under its rumble. All times secure the moments and the entirety of the count is exact. Inside the position of this Alphabetical Rede are the navigational positions needed to create a full rotation of change.
All parts are within the whole and the continued matter yields to the erasable Key. Esotre, the timing of the cubic stone, the egg of potential.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#11 Flower Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Mugwort, Jasmine, Lavender
This trinitizational volume vocalizers, is the processing pentacle, that envelops the form felt, before manifestational process, is actually seen. This trinity will help evolve the form felt in the dream of the Heart of Gold, to find formalization equational balance, to manifest in the next level without mutational slips.
Time giving day more room. Fire giving water more room, where it has not before. The gorilla warfare of the elements now moving through time in a new and different way.
I sit into the position of bathing with fire and drying off with water. This is a very careful initiative and I ground myself fully, so I can be more aware. The full gesture of the dance is quite magical and insures success.
The full voidial account is brought into place and position for accuracy. I claim the narrow and I claim the wide. The grammar of life changes and we begin to hear from a new ear. The creative tension occurs its space in the alchemical turn and I bow my fire into my water memory.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#38 Recognitional Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Trust your inner sound of inspiration, let it guide you throughout the day. You have no need to spin, toil, and worry, because you are given to.
"Space, Ether, is always pregnant with freedom and possibilities of fresh new starts and new approaches", Dr. John Munford, Magical Tattwas.
The morning opens with snow-- 'a poor man's fertilizer in the spring'. All seeks the edge of renewal and not a letter escapes my question. I pour myself into the space that fills and I open my heart to the emerging now.
All that comes to me is what I have called for in my longing of time. We all seek assistance in one way or another. We come to the space open with ether's reach, and peck our way out of the shell.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Holographic Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Momentual enfoldment of the understanding, that eclipsial concordance is not part of the dream, so that all patterns that eclipse their color and tone, will move into the uneclipsial position and placement, so that the Holographic Projection can recalculate its inside outside, for alignment with the position and placement of the omnidirectional projection of Body Zero.
The potency that is held in this time is open to much potential. The folding momentum allows us to see the Distance and corrugates it to the present moment. I communicate this to my enthusiastic heart of Gold.
I make capable my fire and illuminate the earth of my very substance. Each moment is caused by my attention and circumference of a negotiated need. I round the tp of my perspective and watch it then fit into place and the aemblic flask is positioned into place and the fire is gentle and sustaining.
There is a quicker fusion of what is now needed. I move inside the turn and occupy the thread of Potential.
~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#16 Manifestational Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint provides the essensorial transcendent sequentialization, for the form set into being, in third dimensional awareness, and sight seen.
This enables every form set to be material in form and provides the frame, for the structural beingness.
Sitting into the swan dive of this time and realizing that my foundation is stronger than I recognize. I gather my breath into a count of 4, 7, 8. I breathe in 4, hold 7, breathe out 8. I conquer what wants me to feel unsafe.
I go back to my foundation and widen its base. I am colored by all the colors and shades I love, and I embody them strongly in this time. I share, color, pattern, and the strength of my words and pictures.
This widens my foundation and gives me, and all I love and reach, a larger surface to stand upon and know.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#6 Celtic Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows the Highest Potential for Self to vibrate into manifested Wholeness, which potentates the dream into Beingness.
Taking in fully the air of this time, I fold myself into a bend that opens me to the bending that now releases its hold. I am bequeathed a solid force of power I need for the transformation of what has not, as of yet, yielded.
I am neither here nor there, I am between the before and after. I look through the narrow reach and feel the rhythm that has eluded me. I wait by the palm of my open hand and call all the fields of seeds to me from all directions.
Once this is done I enrich my life with it. A practice of gathering thousands of seeds under thousands of moons. This Super moon timed with we and we both take our light into the dark play of dreaming life into emergence.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#11 Omnidirectional Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Pattern Fixative
Vibrational Imprint of the patterning essence, that cause energy to set, and brings forth the change needed, in order to move from repeated experiencing, in order to create the omnidirectional experiencing.
The thought of Distance in itself creates the point of reference needed to relate a closer outlook. The character of need now calls forward the foundation needed to begin. Planting seeds today in 17 flats, 72 pockets to each flat, the center being more complete for the time of opening.
The folding of earth and seed makes the potency enabled to mark the folding power, of new life programming itself into a projected form. The central sacred of expression more volumed and tested for skill. The sensual of seeded coming from the potency of new life that rests in my hands.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Celtic Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
This Imprint works with the vortexial realignment, necessary to equalize the difference of discernment, between levels of knowing, feeling, recognition, and understanding, through all levels of existence.
Synergy again today. What was once held is now let go of, as this alchemy moves deeper into my life now, and I accumulate the motion made in synergy. The singular mode of Distance gathers me and I begin to unravel like a ball, as it rolls beyond obstacles.
The forward thought needed at this time for me is love, love, love.
I stretch to it and flex my tightness into an elasticity I need to now embody in all realms of awareness. I make the motion of sway and bend, like a Reed in water.
I build my foundation out of the mud of Gaia. I contemplate greatness so there is room for new eggs in my raven next.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#9 Holographic Projection Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sight seen form is what registers as real, in the dimension of three, but this is the only dimension that has that requirement for registry.
This Imprint moves the feeling level beyond its need, for sight seen form, before registry, so that desired form can be felt into being, before sight seen change has occurred in dimension of 3.
This enables the Body Zero Holographic Projection to move into desired dream form. Without this it is always blocked at the moment of impossibility.
The spoken that comes slowly from under the question begins to lift me up. This is the way of this day, and more closely do I need to listen. I accept the deep order of today and the enthusiastic focus I need to move my intention of synergy.
The radiating skill of circumferic thinking is needed for this synergy. This is a skill of seeing a bigger picture in all directions, so the synergy can spin easily. I am moving several levels at once, and I must give my body permission to rest and recalculate.
In the middle is when the spin happens best. This is not exactly what I know, but it is what I must trust I know. I will it so.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#23 Flower Healing Inprintsial Pattern Deck
Sericia, Rose Banksia, Rose Xanthina
Is the trinitized vibrational movement, of known felt, before momentual overflow is required. This vibration will help completionary energy become one in the moment, so that hesitation does not create vacuum.
This essence helps Body Zero flow into movement without the break energy, that causes calcification in its circulatory system so that the transcendent energy required, for the perfect state of wellness can maintain its full energy level, without energy drops felt into being.