The Center of Awareness surrounds my meaning and I accompany the accelerated past of a new way of folding, the back door of a way out of the positional hold.
I sit into the Causal of potential and I transform my usual to something less familiar. I reprint the occasional, and it becomes more multiplied in its yield to the Trinary Code of a more Occupied Existence. ~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#43 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern aligns quantralization speed requirement needed of Body Zero into support of the transcendent state of Beingness, in Body Zero Beingness.
Taking the floor of time up inside myself, I watch the storm closely, and I create a calm inside myself, because this is not a time to tear up roots.
I keep in touch with my most subtle feelings and watch for the sigal codes. Love and compassion is moved forward, as it will create perseverance and protection, for all that is moved into place, and allows "the cycle to roll over into new opportunities", John Munford, Magical Tattwas.
I am cautious, but fully receiving of all balanced. ~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#32 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
Time quantralized into cellular make-up for ease in exactness of penetrational vortexial bypass of present molecular forceptual conceptualizations.
These conceptualizations are what create the molecular movement, as seen and calculated in this dimension.
The sacred unfolds the opening visional of what now slowly evolves. Potential is inside a moment of timing; Today slow, purposeful, and floating into place. Completely unsealed is the spoken. I insulate my senses with patience and let go, so what is ready can have a way through.
I cannot imagine here, but I can sense many levels of acceleration, but still, still in the gesture of accuracy. Potential is not just a singular potency, but instead many layers and levels a potency made fully charactered.
What will arrive first is where it all will begin. Holding the touch of the fiber between my fingers, I allow the shape of my mind to begin to change. ~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#30 Recognitional Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
Obstacles to Center:
Obstacles to Center are the misperceptions that life is to be led by others not centered. Obstacles to Center are the misperception that one cannot find truth inside. Obstacles to Center are that love is to be judged. Obstacles to Center are that life is without a heaven, but has a hell, and all will receive it when the earth falls from her Center. Earth is the center of heaven, and hell is a misperception of her fall.
The obstacle is the perception that all is separated into duality. The Clarity is within the completeness as one.
Three times for a numerical multiplication of the cycle of the moon, as the rotation of desire begins again. The cellular meaning of this time in the alchemical process is a time of potency.
This potency is felt and surrounds me. There is caution in this awareness. I will pay close attention to my feelings and honor my own rhythm.
Black on white emerges and I stepped upon the open nature of black and wait for the white to mark my way. Black on white, white on black, the place of color allowed room, time, and awareness. ~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#44 Flower Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
Sunflower, Catnip, Robinia
This trinity bifocal commissionary essence works with support of the trinity change-over, in creating the ability of the duality vibrational discernment of mode of movement, outside of transcendent downward spiral.
This will enable the Zero Body to discern the vibration of clarity, beyond the vibrational similarity that tries to over-ride the difference.
The spiral of life bending its presence in our world. We combine and we mold, we comfort and console, I remember the power of this alchemical position and the support it gives to the sacred beauty we each hold, and I accept the timing.
What has not moved easily now gives in to the our alchemical rede of my calling. Pulling the thread of begin, I aspire to the question that now speaks into the void. New moon in Pisces. ~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#13 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
Body Zero, before any binary change can occur, this rotational quadrant requirement blocks transcendent changes, and creates Body Zero responsial pattern to any transcendent change, that could take Body Zero into a change that carries it beyond the reversal limitations.
Coming early into the center of this day, I asked to square the circle within me, so that I can take the breath of this time of ideas, and anchor them into my reality, with no resistance on my part.
Today is the birthdate of my third son, Joseph, he is deep and watery and he consoles his mind with his vast imagination, and yet he can ground his airy castles in his daily life. I am always pregnant with a box of delights, and I take caution in moving them carefully into this plane.
I square the circle, to formulate a corrugated hold of the distance, and open myself to the wonder. ~Raven SuSane
#42 Flower Improntsial Healing Pattern Deck
Green Rose, Tomato, and Peppermint
This trinity based flower vibratory pattern works in support of the trinity changes positional placement, of thought forms that do not place support of the upward spiral projection into manifestation, and attunes the mind to the discernment process, before mobilizing any thought projectional thought ideas.
This quintessence allows the process to move highest potentiality, without blockage and distortion.
Once before, and even twice told, we seek our own answers. I cannot quite touch the word as easily as I usually do. I sit inside the waist of all I’ve bend into, and I wrap my arms around the tonal of each question, and wait for an opening of Grace.
When the word is made ready I speak from the Grace, not the push. The grace of balance, comfort, and ease. To speak from the dis ease, for me, is to climb into a wad of indecision.
I round myself into a center of awareness that assists my volumed presence. The word folds me into a causal plane of horizontal vision, where the Wood Way of my life crosses the Between.
I sit inside the power of potential, a place between, where all limits are set aside. ~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22 Holographic Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
Speed rate formalization is a tonal concordial process of tonal value measure performed, into an intensity of vibration felt as movement.
This imprint works with movemential awareness, of the exactness of tonal value, in the formulation of quality of exactness in speed rate, at hyperspace speed rate.
Sitting inside the changing factors of this day, I open the door of space inside the fire of this time. I bend into the time my body now needs and lean forward into the acreage of space that builds within me.
I circulate the stir of conscious that requires my attention and intention. I sit inside the acceptance of a body that has carried new life within six times.
I occupy the dreamings of motherhood and remember today as the birthday of my first son, John, (One of four), born in the time of the between, he rides the cusp of Air and Water (Calm). He is enthusiastic with deep water currents of contemplation.
I have four sons and one daughter in this world I live. I dreamed of them dreaming and that is how it is. They are dreamers of such different dreams and that is how it should be, as I have also.
The dream of children dreaming, and still dream myself, is a very careful alchemy of fire and water, as fire seeds space of ether and transmutes the limits of time and space.
I surrender to the code of equation I am, I was, and I continue to be. ~Raven SuSane
#18 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern is a Holographic causal coagulator that enables the Body Zero to formalize a restraint commentum, which can be set into time space succinctionary calculation.
This will enable the Body Zero to move with more exactness, and the highest potential calculation will be exact. This eliminates the mis-heard, mis-felt, mis-thought, mis-said, and mis-known.
Coming forward through the constant of life, I adjust myself inside of the waiting conduit of my body. I move on into a flattened awareness that is now ready for a fold in my consciousness.
Waiting inside the fold is the middle ground and the time inside of gestation.
I know this not only consciously, but physically too. Each gestation is different, but still there is a constant of life maturing into its own constancy that creates birth.
I ready myself for the accuracy and focus needed, and sit inside the howl of the waning moon.
#77 Body Zero Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Quasar sound waves are utilized by the reversal field directives, to facilitate the downward spiral hyperspace.
This Imprint moves the quasar sound waves out of position, so that the hyperspace momentum cannot be maintained by the downward spiral vortexial thought idea.
Calling forward the time and space I need to combine my timing with my appointed volume, as space requires. All is knelt into as I bend into the fold of memory.
The full constant of momentum surrounds me. The called for is digested and encountered as a daily foundation.
I endeavor to position my full potential in a way that creates more ease and alliances with my creative needs. ~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#36 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Patterns Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern creates a vortexial imprintsial transformational shield — for information transfer of transformational information.
The sacred opens my spirit and the morning raises my instinct for a new sequence of morning. I take into myself a new ridge of comfort and I allow more current into my day.
Things horizontal cross over things longitudinal and this creates a day of between. I cross out my frustration with the between and begin to understand the geometry of the spiral.
Aspiration is a complicated process of stillness and possibility crossing over into instinctually. ~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#62 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern volumes a superseded responsible mode, that enables the Body Zero importment of Trianary Code triaxillary rotational volume control, throughout the tissue level of the Body Zero.
Inside the first moments of this day is the equation that seeds this day. I move into the clarity I feel all around me. I ask for the radiance of love to fill me and even overflow.
I take the fire of my enthusiasm and kindle a radiant light that offers warmth to the seed. I feed the flame and kindle the Soul of my Work.
I follow the seed and generate the potential that feeds the potency I need in this time to start, begin, and allow. Today the day of the Heart begins to spin within me and I celebrate. ~Raven SuSane, Clarity
#14 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern creates a rotational harmonica vocalizer that allows the Body Zero to respond to the triaxillary vocal cord system, created through the trinity vibration of Self, speaking to Self, above and below, side to side, and inside outside. This will also facilitate the autonomic flow of the universal sound, to balance Body Zero tissue tone.
Sitting as Ether inside of Earth, I ground my full scope of vision. I particulate my full Intention and forward my spirit through the course of the Alchemical Reede.
I imagine the full enclosure of time and heat up the Alchemical Image into a grounded vision. I open the square and facilitate a more energized motion of acceptance and allowment.
In this my enthusiasm rises. I tend to the rising fire and accumulate the skill of cooling through my Profound Will. ~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
#22Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial pattern projects as a formalizational conceptional focuser, which intensifies the quantralizing vortexial energy, that is needed to create tantric transcendent focusing for transcendent Body Zero change. Imprint deeply, through the quantralizing matrix system of your tissue, bone, and organic system. Quantralize the imprint in highest potential focus.
The morning sun pouring in upon me, as I sit into the council of this day. Each day has a council of its own, as the rotation of the planets emerge in a new space and time.
I uncork myself from their cycle and begin inside myself to become available to the flow and rhythm of my own council. To relate my deeper score to the inner equation of the intent of my being.
I connect all the factors of my own equation and sit into the mind of my own alchemy and synergy of a relationshipial fold.
#18 Holographic Imprintsial Pattern Healing Deck
Momentual Awareness of sight seen potentiality of desired form is brought into felt of known, so that the desired form of dream Holographic Projection can be thought as Real and maintained, without pattern slip of desired Holographic Projection.
I take in the halt and I stand where once it was too small. I fold my head into my bend and I rise up with caution.
I take in the order I have recently made and I begin to listen even deeper for breath. The breath of new life, new room, new dimensional awareness.
I silence my mind and hold the clear fiber of my listening close to my heart, as if it is the Alchemical Child.
#77 Body Zero Imprintsial Healing Patterns Deck
Quazar sound waves are utilized by the reversal field directives to facilitate the downward spiral hyperspace. This Imprint moves the quasar sound waves out of position, so that the hyperspace momentum cannot be maintained by the downward spiral vortexial thought idea.
Timing, gestating, sitting into the fogginess of this morning. Patience with the now moment is needed and called for.
Working with a whole new idea of place, I compose the nature of my mind into a causal stillness. The sacred of my morning enters my mind, and I become more able to allow what is to be honored and beloved in my day.
I calm my body to enter the slow meaning of deep time.
#46 Recognitional Imprintsial Healing Deck
One is Self, One is complete, One is the essence of your Source Your Source is One, so too, are you.
Grounding the fire of my life is essential, but I cannot ground it completely because it is budding potential.
I watch the fire of my creativity and promise not to let it go out. Low gentle heat is needed now to build a firm foundation, but still keep the creativity alive.
I can get lost in organizing, sorting, and blue-printing, and forget the flame of my being. Not now, not today, not in my inner core. I have been given the seed (fire) of an immense idea.
#44 Body Zero Healing Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprintsial Pattern projects morphogenic limitations recalculated, so that the quantralized field around Body Zero is allowed its beingness to go beyond the morphogenic field's limitations. This enables the transcendent Body Zero to maintain its transcendent state of being in. the morphogenic energy vortexial conceptualizations.
Sit into it, sit down into it. This is what is fertile to the seed of a new beginning. I become warmed by my Heart of Gold, so I can begin to express what I waited for and imagined to be. I called the seed of my expression to relay to my body the first thread loose to the weave, an allowing space of comfort.
I control what is said, I control what is thought, and I mark my life with purpose, beauty, and acceptance. I loosen my toes and wiggle them into this time I now stand upon, and reach down into the earth of this time. Start, Allow, and Be. ~ Raven SuSane
#22: Flower Deck Rose Webbiana, Rose Gallica, Rose Macrophylla
These are the trinity essence of felt moment recognition of openness, in Body Zero flow received. This creates the Body Zero’s ability to receive nourishment, in the form of food. Food is the fullness of love tasted into recognition.
The sacred position of enfoldment is the desire to take what is inspiring and airy into a position of actual embodiment and creation.
Moving my life into a new way of being so the push of never cannot put out my fire of resolve. I accept my own needs in a more gentle fold and my legs soften to my will. I am amazed that the most difficult movement now is not creating, but musing, not organizing, but musing, not preparing or waiting, but musing.
That is what the creative process needs of me at present. I sit into my yoga and I breeze into my own ease held within Squaring the Circle.
#2 Body Zero Imprintsial Pattern Deck
Sensory responsial recorder for vortexial adjustment, so Body Zero tissue response can move into supportive response to the circumferol recalculation, that is in alignment with angelic desired form.
Fire seed of fire: Resolve.
Today being itself is the beginning and the resolve of each day within this time.
I move toward my breath and I move through the nature of this time of alchemical fire, and rise my enthusiasm to openly give me encouragement and purpose.
I sit among the disclosures of this time, and look deeply into the secrets now revealing to ourselves, who we truly are. I am in the center of the questions that now come and fill my mind with the fire of enthusiasm I need to rise up from the ashes of surrender and embodiment. ~ Raven SuSane
#25 Holographic Healing Deck:
Alignment with dream bliss totality awareness. This Imprint quantralizes the molecular sequential layers necessary for full penetration to the core seed essence of Self, so that full manifestation bone level of Holographic Projection is achieved.
Inside and outside of time, trying to be at the same time and the heat of the turn about is memorizing the code of vaporization.
I am concerned about what I have not done and I am today shifting the heated format to the strength of realization of how to burn with water and wash with fire.
Complex is all transmutational formulas and the unseen, unheard breaks the barrier of feeling empty, even though the void has been entered as merely the between. ~ Raven SuSane
#42 in Flower Deck;
Green Rose, Tomato, Peppermint
This Trinary based flower vibratory pattern works in support of the trinary changes, positional placement of thought forms, that do not place support of the upward spiral projection, into manifestation, and attunes the mind, to the discernment process, before mobilizing any thought projectional thought ideas. This essence allows the process to move highest potentially, without blockage and distortion.