
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential


Earth seed of fire is a time of building a foundation around a strong idea, for an even bigger idea that you can then begin with. This is a time of begin, start, create.

It is a time to feel what is in time and ready. This time for me, today, is the new pace that I have been getting ready for. I don't quite have my full balance yet on such new feet, but it is inside this time that I can fully maneuver a reality, that can embody a language I can fully understand, a beat that is held within the word that creates a finer line of potential.

Within the phase of earth seed of fire is the full memory of what takes and what gives. In this way I can liberate priorities and allow what gives to move forward. This is a fine-toothed comb and there are many layers that recede, as the forward begins to feel its way through the tangible and intangible. In this time, effort should be made to confirm what is tangible, and ready to handle, to hold, to speak, to write, to weave, to paint, to feel, and embrace.

Language is part of this time, but it is more in the form of signal, symbol, and beat. The beat, the rhythm, is the first clue. What has rhythm is ready. What is ready is formulated, from the potential found in the living and dreaming of our lives.

I have found this day to be very much in my own hands. What I move with, what is present, is dependent on how I see it. Potential is in the eyes of the beholder. Distraction, humiliation, non-recognition are all part of what makes one let go, so one can open up to potential, and move out clearly what cannot see.

Potential is moving with what is lit, and allowing what is not lit to recede, into its own darkness. This is not always easy, but it is the challenge of potential, earth seed of fire.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Air Seed of Earth: Squaring the Circle


Squaring the Circle is a process that is taking a mental concept and transferring it to a physical dimension, so that it can become a reality in your life. This is Mental Alchemy, and it is in the realm of airy concepts that we dream and move, to become realized in our daily life.

The square is earth, the womb, in which the seeds of our ideas can be brought forward in this world and made present to our own time. This time, for me, is a time of allowing myself to muse, to learn, to explore, to feel the pregnant thoughts that are ready to move into action.

This esoteric geometry is realized in our work, as we create pattens that hold formulations of new grounds, the geometric and numerical dimension needed, for these new patterns to become realized in our lives.

Today has been a day of motion, that is definitely above ground, and the unsettling unknown of new feet. During this time of squaring the circle, you can feel the waves of new life descending into your frame of mind, and your body is not quite able to always ground soon enough. I feel a bit wobbly and the rhythm is not quite clear, but I know I must listen to feel the beat, so I can change my pace, and allow more availability to breath, within me.

As I look out onto the village green, I realize it is air seed of earth, a circle with a square gazebo within it.This is the place for us to move our work, from the airy mental plane to the physical dimension we live in.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Air Seed of Fire: Harmony


Air and fire are interdependent. As I pick the alchemical process intuitively this position has come up earlier on 6.13.2010. We are always moving many levels of ourselves, and our lives, so in the alchemical process there is a shift on a level that has become priority.

I sense this level today is in the level of my own physical body. I have felt it shifting to a strong position and needing for me to bridge the physical doing with my imaginative idealistic conceiver.

Maintaining the fires between my creativity and  my mental process is an art form I have had to learn, and re-learn. To allow my body to raise the fire, but also allow it the breath of meditation, relaxation, and inspiration, while stoking the fire of creation and imagination. I have to ground myself to breathe even in the middle of painting and writing.

Robert & I take a 20 minute meditation nap every day after lunch, to utilize the carbohydrates which assist sleep and rest, and renew our bodies for the rest of the creative day. I do Yoga 1/2 hour each morning, so that I give my body room for air and heat, to be able to shift easily from passion to compassion, as in Dr. John Mumford's book, "Magical Tattwas": "A time to "contemplate in the temple of the heart, atop the summit mountain of the diaphragm."

When we are working together and we enter a space of frustration, we together withdraw and let the answer come to us, rather than heating up the fire to high and cracking the Aemblic Egg. This is so true with my body, I have had to learn to honor its needs, listen to its voice, and make room for the grace of physical movement, rather than force.

I have had five children and seven pregnancies, and my body, after starting the body of work that we have now been doing daily for 20 years, resembles a pregnant cauldron that knows its way through the seeding, wombing, and emergence of a creative life.

I take the ancient ways of woman and allow my frame to express itself in a volume of motion that Robert & I, as Air & Fire, utilize to embody knowledge, patterns, portals, and elements, that bring the world of the invisible, visible to us in our daily life.

We are the emissaries that ferry the world to its other worlds. When these worlds come into mutual harmony our work has bridged what was split apart.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy -- Day After Solstice


Today was a day on water, we kayaked for the first time, from Warren to Thomaston, and had lunch with Sandra, a member of the family, and she drove us back. I love to kayak and just float on the water, even though I can navigate more vigorous waters.

3/4ths of this trip was just floating, starting at high tide 9:15, and arriving at 12:15, before the 2:30 low tide. Water seed of Water is about diplomacy in all levels of life. The female energy is the universal solvent and the energy of cooperation. It is about allowing the flow and allowing problems to be solved by being dissolved.

There is an absolution in this gentle way of resolution, this is a time of meditation, relaxation, and a deep allowing of motion to just run through us, like a river.

The 40th piece of the Kuan Yin Oracle of Compasssion, which we have made into a book, and it is available to read and see fully online is: "Take into yourself the deep mystery of who you are, and savor the needs you have."-- Water Runs Through You.

For me this is a time I can enter into the joy of connections with people, nature, and the fairy realm of awareness. On the river today we saw cormorants, blue heron, a pair of Golden Eagles, osprey, kingfishers, and beaver. We floated, we drew, we ate, we photographed, and we deeply relaxed, and had many 11evensies. I have such a depth of connection with the Fay world here, and have seen more of the otherworldly visionings, than I have in a long time. It is as if they all live in these watery reflections of sweet homes and fairy worlds, as we float by and look within.

Diplomacy-- dip- low enough- to see the world of Fay.

Water seed of water, a crescent boat of imagination, allowing disbelief to dissolve and fade. Yesterday, the Solstice, was a day of being on the water preparing for today. Robert & I feel like Ratty and Mole, from "Wind in the Willows".

Monday, June 21, 2010

Earth Seed of Fire: Potential


This time of potential is so graced with the ease of increased awareness that gives the body time to let go of definitions, so it can embrace intention. This is the process of nurturing a foundation that builds around an original idea, or pattern, like the philosopher's stone, and turns everything to gold.

In this time of potential I know I must make my decisions based on priorities, while I nurture the seed essence of a new pattern, as it begins to potentize its full presence. There are so many needs that I am aware of that I have to stay focused on the one that is now potentizing its resolution and completion.

I have to break down the time, as it gestates what fire has seeded and earth carries, as if it wombs the very necessity of our lives. Our lives are necessitated by earth, as she shows us the desires that living requires. She wombs us as mankind, till we are completely gestated by time and given the cradle of emotion that relates us to all life.

The boat we sit in, the journey we take, the cradle of our emotions, relates us all to the waters of the essence we all share, and it carves out the shape of the crescent we rest within.

Potential is cradled within this and is formed and shaped by the rhythm of the sea inside of us. I need to sit inside this crescent rhythm and feel its structure, as around me.

I lost part of my molar tooth today, and I will feel its healing in the saliva of the crescent boat of my mouth, filled with these words.

Water Seed of Air: Effervescence


Today was a journey to the effervescence, and I have felt bumped around by all those sparkling bubbles. I am tired today, and the journey to move into our new studio and prepare a place to work, play, sleep, and eat has been exciting, fun, and at times exhausting. This day has been full of popping bubble's effervescent imaginings, and I have not the energy to go on that delightful honeymoon of high motion.

I am looking forward to and honoring that flattening phase that follows. I am definitely felted, and I know a good foundation is formed.

We are having a Studio Open House Sunday, and I think I should hold the rudder steady, but lay low into my profile. At this point I feel I cannot connect with my work if I don't roll around on that pool table and make some holes. Rolling around like a pool ball on one of those felted flat tables sounds divine.

It reminds me of the village green, it is just like a billiard table. I am an eight ball, so I will eventually complete this cycle and be able to create even more in our new space, but at present I'll roll around, like air in the crescent moon of water, like a marble.I have loved marbles all my life, and I have pondered on their enduring grace for me.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation


Gestation, something I have done so many times, that sometimes I feel I am eternally pregnant with thought, image, new life, or volume. The egg of new life always floating in the elongated sphere of ether.

In Ether Seed of Earth, the egg is well fertilized and the life in it is becoming ready to crack its way out and lay its own new life. It is the Alembic egg of compassion, and it occupies the rapid growth of awareness, as we begin to realize we need more room for who we are.

We have become too tall for the small door at the end of the rabbit hole, and the spiral of our own falling has risen to the top without us. Life inside wonderland has opened our eyes and ears to many strange unnatural ideas and questions. Like, is Gravity really real, or is it something we are told, to keep our feet on the ground? Can we become small in one moment, and then totally grow out of the egg, and step into a much larger room?
Do we have to come and go head first?

All this is key in the time of Ether Seed of Earth, because gestation is not only a waiting place, but it is often a questioning place. How many questions you ask, and how large they are, is how large the room you will hatch into. So don't hide your large questions, or your answers will be too small, and you will later be cramped in the space you come into.Your secret self must have room or she will be like Alice, crying outside the door of where she wants to go.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Water Seed of Ether: Synergy


Now to expand on water seed of ether, because the cycle of one's life is on so many levels at once. Water seed of ether is a signal, to a coming shift to enthusiasm, followed by a respite that allows us to recalculate, rethink, and register all we have come to, before moving forward into completion.

If I am working on a piece of art, I find that the vision is shifting, and I move my former image out, to make room for a newer, more preferred turn of concept. When we conceive a body of work, it is often greater than we first imagined, when it is completing its form, before emerging.  I surprise myself in how limiting I can be, if it does not match up in my mind.

The synergy is found, when I begin to allow my mind to imagine itself opening to its own dreaming, and then the synergy begins to beat inside the circumference of my mind, like a singing bowl, and my body finds, finally, the rhythm it needs to move forward once again, into completion.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Air Seed of Fire: Harmony


Coming further into the deepening of the alchemical process, fire and air meet in an awakening experience of what each has to give to the other. Air feeds fire and fire is radiant because of it and gracious to the appreciation of air's generosity.

Fire's pallette is expanded and their interdependent relationship begins to create a harmony that neither has known before. Fire and air's creative collaboration bridges the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver. The fire of the unconscious creativity is given air and the air of the conscious mind is given fire of opportunity. This is what happened when my husband, Robert, & I met. We became this collaborative pallette that took our creativity into realms we always longed for, but never knew fully.

A delicate alchemical balance is maintained as we have learned to travel deeply together, but withdrawing alternately, as each rests, while the other merges deeper with the passage. We never enter alone, but we help each other, like a caver spelunking, one holding the rope, while the other deepens the passage, so we can help the other back out, and not both be lost at once. This way we can journey into patterns, make new maps, but not get caught in the trapping ways of very old patterns that seem to have no way out.

Air seed of fire is the harmony of supported movement, as the alchemical  fires move toward transformation. The cauldron moves closer to the philosopher's stone, like the Grail Vessel.

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal


Earth seed of ether is about renewal coming from a wrapping up of the past. It's about change coming from a need to move beyond one's own limits. The past must be let go of for a more rewarding future.

When I need change, I usually feel a restlessness growing in a lush environment of inertia. This inertia forces me to put down the ideas I have been utilizing, and take a look at a bigger picture. I often feel a stubbornness not to move, and I have found that this is the energy of change moving like a current under my feelings.

I have found I need to sit with this so called feeling of stubbornness, and allow it room to discover what it is looking for. Somewhere, and not always in my mind, I have felt a need for a shift, a modification, a change of perspective, a simplification, and it will not be denied. I do not any longer fight it. I sit with it and when it has the answer, finds the room, it will leave, and I can move into a new perspective, and then everything begins to renew and shift into the change created.

Many people think of this time as procrastination, unwillingness to bend, to start, to begin, but it is essential to the formation of a stable foundation that has true current within it. The current, when given the exact energy, can renew us.

Today was a planting moon of Taurus in the afternoon, and I planted my seedlings. It did not start until after 3 pm, and I couldn't move a plant until then. Then, all at once, the current began and the devas showed me where they needed to be. My body has become so aligned with the planting moon, that no matter how hard my mind tries to begin earlier, the body will not begin until the deep foundation is set.

So the plants were restless, too, and wanted change, but they had to wait for the cycle to shift, so the seed of their vision could be planted on Terra Firma.