
Friday, December 31, 2010

Ether Seed of Air: The Word Logos

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The day accepts the task of being written upon early, and I hope once again to find words given into my hand. To receive the word is to receive the plan, the blueprint of potential.

Ether gives to air and air gives to flesh, and the letter of the word is made real to be lived within.
I enter this new year with a larger view, but a small plan. A plan so tiny that I barely see it and I feel only its existence.

Letters of the word awaken me and I listen. I listen to the earth, I listen to the air, and the ethers wrap around me like a boat, I float upon the water’s need of my body as fire.I come to the crystal clear awareness of emptiness and how it sits within me.

In the alchemical process this is a time of opportunity and opening, but one should hold true to the moment and not move to speak till the three guardians have moved the council of intention forward.

" #30: Move into the labyrinth of triple spiral to unfold solutions. Mermaid awaken your spine.” from Raven’s Runes of Motion.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration


Thursday, crescent moon, 3 degrees F., clear sky.

Opening the space between my mind and my feelings, I begin to awaken the spine of my own aspirations. Life has come into a pouring open and a giving up.

The total expression of the maturity of living in a form is the willingness to except the shedding. There is always a small amount of blood lost in the shedding of the character of ignorance.

The knowing comes in to lift the feelings into a new awareness of its own value. The spine equates a forming that realizes the bending of will and the courage of current as it moves into a new rhythm, new beat, new pulse of existence.

I come into the being of earth seed of air, and no longer just exist with the air within me. I embrace the building of its ladders into the heavens of my longings.

Opening a whole in the night sky, I climb into the round moon of my own Cam-U-Lot, curved Light.

Ether Seed of Air: The Word, Logos


Window of opportunity is opening, the chance to make a fresh start.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

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“This is a good phase for starting and building the base for the future. Make certain you have included all elements”. Dr. John Munford,”Magical Tattwas”.

I am slowly moving the foundation of this time into a view that includes the horizontal position of what now understands what is truly upright.

Earth seed of air is what is now needed to put upright what is ready. The wisdom of my life has seemed somewhat inverted and I am now turning it upright with my own desire and aspiration to embody it more daily.

The aspiration for the foundation that daily receives and supports a broader landscape, a deeper wisdom, a bigger picture is what I am now moving. A picture that forms from an inner reality to be realized in an outer reality is what I feel is moving into place.

The alchemical process is becoming a full way of knowing the solidity of illumination, not just a numinous experience to occur and fade away.

Number 18, Runes of Fire: “Given is this day, so release all gifts to the exactness of your sight.”

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy

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Water, the feminine intuition is so current in my life, as I sit by the river each day and watch her tidal flow rise and lower. I have had to learn to embrace myself more fully , as the time opens for me.

I have had to listen even deeper to my own tides and learn a diplomacy with the emotion of my being. Where does it go inside of me and how does it take me into so many different rhythms and currents?

An awareness of what is best to be solved by being dissolved, gently, and in essence absolved of its needs, is more present. The pace of this time awakens in me a rhythm more pure of itself and slower than a pace once needed in my life. It is amazing though, because more is actually accomplished.

This is the power of the feminine cooperative motion, to drop the competition that time can create and flow into and with the rhythm of emotion. Diplomacy, forgiving pace of rhythm that opens everything in its own time.

Ether Seed of Air: The Word Logos

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The sacred meaning of thought transferred into word is the intention and its readiness to give fully from the heart.

The beginning is always when the intention is set and the making of thought follows. True and deep resonance is the logos and the full throat of motion creates the vortex that allows words their place in matter.

Integrity is what gives structure to the intention and the intention creates the aim and purpose of all that is sent out into.

Creation is held within this intuition and the meaning is distant. What we say has a distinct meaning before it is even said and the word is linked only to the intention when creation begins.

Welcomed is the space of need for it is how the intention settles into desire. When I sat to listen at dawn, this is what I heard and this is what I’ll move deeper into.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

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To know where one is inside the alchemical process is foundational in itself.

It seems this cycle has slowed down a great deal for me. I seem to stay within each phase longer and deeper. At one point I was moving very quickly from one phase to the next, but now I am more like turtle, and this I have needed.

We have completed this year’s body of work and it is being shown. We have begun the next body of work, “Metamorphosis”, and there is a big shift within it from the very beginning.

The flavor and taste of this time is given more room and I sit more mindless  but more mindful.

The attitude is letting go so the cocoon can begin to open. The foundation of Terra Firma is strong and it is the time to begin a new cycle.

I sit on my cushion as I write, and look out the glass at the river. The eagles will be here soon.

Water runs through me.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

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Today is my daughter Susanna’s birthday, and I am going to care for her little ones while she has some time for herself. Time for the self’s rich environment, an essential foundation for things to grow.

Time is a rare seed and we find it often shrivels and does not germinate what we see in our mind’s eye. When we finally have it, we don’t know how to utilize it fully, in a deeper way. It takes a real alchemist to make time create a stable foundation.

Terra Firma is not always under our feet, and we have to grasp the earth of our lives and plant our feet into it.I have a practice of yoga to do this very thing. I would like to jump up and run into my day with a voracious array of multi-tasking, because I am fire, but I have learned that unless I plant my feet in Terra Firma each morning, firmly through my practice of yoga, I will end up struggling with what need no struggle.

I will multi-task what is only singular and simple, I will confuse my body with the necessity of everyone's thought, except my own. In essence my day will run away with my spoon, and fork, and knife, and the moon will be silent.

I thrive on nature as it has enveloped my life with flowers, herbs, and the sea. I now enter a time where I must know what I feel and feel what I know, and time must be my muse.

I have prayed for time and now I must walk with this companion. To live fully I must know what it is to be fully awake to the seed of time held in the deep mystery and what holds the door open.

Air Seed of Fire: Mutual Harmony

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“Fire and air are interdependent. Air fulfills itself by ever feeding fire, and fire is grateful.”
“Success is contingent upon finding the bridge which connects the enthusiastic doer with the idealistic conceiver.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

The hope that conceals the presence of the bond between the future and present is moving into its place of no longer hidden. It holds the negative forces a bay and allows the full sequence of an enamored presence of feeling joy even below the current of caution.

I have in many ways begun to relate my life at the center of a new cause and the participation of hope gives me room to advance.

There is much coming in the way of words that can reveal a larger wheel of destiny that I have seen before. I am awakening the air of thought within me that creates a harmony within me that soothes my frame.

This harmony follows the language of my cellular library that signals me for the attention of my soul.

The bridge that connects the nerves of my rivers of feeling is the listening and following of its path of language. The chi speaks as it moves me into relaxation. To follow it in my mind is like a woodland nymph that has caught the attention of the light.

A mutual harmony is only in the language of this air seed of fire, finding the connection of the attention of the mind. The conceiver to the doer. Speaking beyond the channel of the mind.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Earth Seed of Water: Boldness

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Within earth seed of water is a many layered equation that enables us to be totally enrolled in the mystery coming forward from the inner sanctuary of our soul.

I have yet to be able to completely drop into this boldness, but I feel my body getting ready for this deep longing to be felt savored. I have exhausted myself carefully and my frame is now tired enough to let go.

The fires of volume have burned full ,and now the intention of a lifetime begins to direct this entry with precision and awareness. It is odd that exhaustion can be a tool of the soul, but when used carefully it can be an excalibur of great precision and power, to open the body when it has been afraid to know.

In our past there are places we have been punished to know, and our frames remember this in our cellular library. In takes boldness to venture once again into this awareness, and sometimes exhaustion to help us let go.

I had a dear friend do reiki on me yesterday and I felt the symbols of my memory unlock my frame and open my will to my inner cellular libraries, which hold the memory of what I once knew, but lost my life for knowing.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy

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“The Cubic Stone is being fired in the furnace of desire. Too much heat and it cracks, too little and it is half-baked and will not survive seasonal inclemencies.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

“Great works are performed not by strength but perseverance.” Samuel Johnson

The sacred works its way through the season’s fire of desire. The desires and dreams of this season build the forces of the transformation that the Christmas season brings to our hearts and lives.

The magic of color, sounds, and intentions deepen, as the season enters December, the month of the winter solstice, the return of the child, and the voice of The Gift. We all return to the full openness of what gives and the gift is not silent.

“Tis to create and in the creating live. A being more intense, that we endow with form our fancy, going as we give.” Byron.

This weekend we endeavor to kiss our home and studio with the magic of Christmas; trees going up, ornaments going on, lights twinkling, and villages going under the tree of life.

We climb, we crawl, we sit cross-legged, as our hands move beauty through our fingers. The seeming chaos of Christmas is but an appearance overlaying order and rhythm.

We must allow the child its power, it is the master alchemist and its Lab Oratory is a temple of unceasing work. This is the story of the north pole and Santa Claus has given his life to the support of this alchemical work.

Those who hate Christmas and want it to be silent, untinseled, ungifted, are only hiding their hatred for the child and the power of the Master Alchemist to transform our world of greed.
Greed that wants the work to be arduous, unfulfilling, and never rewarded.

The Divine Child is celebrated and he comes in a big light, big noise, many colors. Play, play, play is what a child does. Our own Root Child is coming from underground and that child is noisy, colorful, and will keep us up at night, if we don’t listen to our play.

When we awaken each day our question should be not how I can save the world, or how I can produce the most, or how I can make a difference. Our question should be How can I play today. The alchemy of potency.

Fire Seed of Earth. A Christmas tree with the foundation of a new world within it. A triangle with a square inside. The Divine Opus. This is why Ganesh, the mover of obstacles, is a child.

Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

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“This is a time to progress through extroverted self-expression coupled with reaching out and engaging other people in a cooperative endeavor that suits your plans.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

Vaporization is a time to steam up one’s life with extroverted expression and fun with friends, yet still focused in a self-directed manner.

Even within the structure of society one must stay connected at all times to our heart of gold and our own inner sound. At times we feel that.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Water Seed of Water: Diplomacy
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To be in the beginning of the root of what is being made is to have an intention of Diplomacy, as what was becomes introduced to what is becoming.

The full intention of making is given room and the past present future merge to create a new state of time. What is ready is forwarded into the mind of timing and the hands of made are full of motion.

I feel, at the time of where I first began to write and be present in the work, was a time my hands were empty and my mind was open, because it was not filled up with other’s words, ideas, numbers, science, and philosophical omnipresence. 

All was new to me, so I was able to speak in a rhythm that was outside the lines and I loved it. It felt more right than that was taught. It spoke to me in all directions.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
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Working the foundation so the crown can be seen is what we got up at 2:30am to do.
The foundation is the focus and we have been organizing and setting the foundational energies of our home and studio residence on many levels.

In order to do the 3D work I did not realize completely what the meaning of 3D work was and I could not grasp why it took so much time and preparation. 3D work is actually taking the meaning of our work from one plane to the next until it is fully manifested on the 3rd dimension.

Bodies of work we paint or write are not always manifested as 3D when they first move into sound and color. It often takes years for them to move into a full 3D. We put together many levels at one time and it is rather theatrical as each book or painting evolves until the mystery it holds rises and becomes fully part of our every day lives in the 3rd dimension.

There is often a depth of pleasure in the translation of rhythm and full potential as each realizes the incision meaning that shifts our lives and brings intention into power.

We are cut from this suit of posture as we bend into a full meaning of word. The word creates a vision of dimensional clarity. Some work is written or painted in the future tense, but then  travels through the past and present, in order to have the legs it needs, and the tense shifts till it is.

In reviewing and publishing the book, “The Sirius Mysteries”, my daughter, Susanna, and I found that the tense of the book shifted from future to past to present as we prepared it to publish.
Click link to view or purchase book.

As the words moved into present tense, we felt the strength of the time, as it shifted its presence. Traveling in time is a back and forth that can happen in a single sentence.

Air Seed of Air: The Supernal Nurturer

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Breaking the teapot twice, one begins to linger in the cracks. The acceptance of the need for a new pot begins to grow inside the inertia of the pot’s ability to hold water. 

I sit and lean into the poured substance of myself and I begin to accept the presence of glue. Glue that holds things together, makes present the liquid formula for changes and the operative ability to reconcile the broken pot of tea.

Tea being such a translucent form of nurturance that holds the moment still to itself and open to thought. I fill the effort of care to the top and remember what first made me realize the potential of recovery. Recovery from a life of tension with my clay, as I reach to create between my mind and my clay.

As my clay rises to the heat of intention, a shift of mind pushes through it and the full memory of what is is formed in the mind. The clay folds into its own supple awareness and the feeling stretches across the meadow of memory that formed its land, its oceans, its ponds and rivers.

The flow ignites the waters of emotion and the full landscape of presence becomes seen.

The glue fills in the cracks and I begin to sit once again inside a full pot of tea. The colors roll back into the cracks and once again a new pot is given room to be set upon the table of life.

I sit transparent to my mind mike water and the clay of my existence once again knows it sits inside the soul of my environment. I render to my presence two teapots reconciled to the clay of living and the glue of Divinity that filled their broken clay with the wealth of tea.

Transcendent emotion ascending. 

Fire Seed of Air: Perserverence

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“This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, and go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant and which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

The feeling of change has moved into a full fire and I have had a day of kundalini, upset stomach, and needing to lay down and relax. This culminated in a very potent transformation and by the next day Robert & I both felt much better and we began actually doing the first 3D piece for the show.

We also started framing up the 22 pieces we have done for the show. It has been a beautiful two days, so we could go out periodically and ground by the river and do our Chi Gong.

We watched Avatar twice and Phillip Glass twice. Listened to Christmas music and read Anam Cara. Transformation is a current that activates the mystery and moves us into an active state of imagination.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

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“We don’t need more strength or more ability, or greater opportunity. What we need id to use what we have.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

Today has been one of much energy, resolution, an new beginnings, just as the foundation and needs. Earth seed of earth had a large eye and it seems to know itself well and what makes a strong support under our feet.

I did a very deep and slow yoga practice today and lately it seems to be reaching a depth of tension that I have needed to release. Like a long hand of breath it has consoled the part of me that holds on tight with courage.

“Resolute imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations. Paracelsus.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”. Imagination is a precious gift and I don’t want to lose its presence in my life.

Fruition is a demanding volume and it can crowd out my whimsy, even though it gives a sense of value. Fruition is not a good for me at present and I need to shift to a more imaginational and creative foundation to survive.

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

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This day has marked itself with a gestational presence that is more realization. Within gestation there is patience, self-esteem, and value. In all this gestation can sit inside itself nurtured by the knowing of time.

I have needed more of this knowing of time and the liberation it gives me deep inside, where my joy resides. There is much grace found in this realization and once it is found the need is given room.

Realizations are part of our everyday life and they are the gifts of our perseverance. I do not take them for granted because they give me so much power and momentum. They are my daily contact with the Divine and the angelic realm of wisdom.

An inner dialogue has become what secures, what gestates within me, and the important parts of me has learned to wait in a more comfortable way.

Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

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The day has unfolded many changes and this is a requirement of earth seed of ether. Adjustments, realignments shift to make things connect better.

I asked for insight on what change was needed and Robert and I found ourselves completely renovating the kitchen. Changing where the food was, changing the location of plates and glasses, pastas, teas, and books.

It was amazing, because we had not awakened with this awareness, although I do realize that I had cooked all I could cook in the current arrangement, and I had registered that, but I had not realized it was a priority.

It was fun, restorative, and fulfilling. We then set up our art space for Tuesday, and watched the movie “Catwoman”. We loved it and it was timely. It is what had to be moved in this day, in order to create in the next level.

We also watched a show on Psusannces, an Egyptian Pharaoh who is called the Silver Pharaoh. It is amazing how a day threads together to create Renewal, but it certainly did. Listening will take you across the boards and back.