
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

"Fire and Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire, encouraging Fire to burn ever brighter & the children, flames, to leap higher. Stick-ability can be more important than ability.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 Such rich encouragement for today, so many times manna for these times, for stick-ability is the fuel you move on. As Fire and Air, Robert & I know, as we stick together, we will always find our way through, and this is the deepest blessing within our love. Stick to it, if you have no reason, stick to it if you need compassion, stick to it if you want a better tomorrow, that is what we know as Clarity. Fire Seed of Air, Perseverance. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity.

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