
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

 "The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures." Thomas Campbell: Lochiell's Warning. "The egg is well fertilized and has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free and lay its own golden eggs, each a miniature Aemblic. Despite any problematic situations, this is the natural cycle for rapid growth in personal and business life. You need more space.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Well, this feels so exact and I have been in the 'Duat' all week, and finally have come into the light. I asked to have no resistance to my future with this work and down under I went, and what a process of change I have gone through, but not totally aware until I completed.

Much has opened up within me, and even all of us. I am so grateful. I am so excited to get started, but also aware that allowing myself room is of essence. The opening I needed was inside of me, and my own relationship with the expansion of my Intuitive Voice and Resonance. "It just gets curiouser and curiouser says Alice." Lewis Carroll.

Yes, gestation it is. Forewarned is forearmed to be prepared is half the Victory", Cervantes, Don Quixote. To listen deeply each day is to always be forearmed. I am so grateful for the Practice in my life. Now for the Dive of 9.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#9 Manifestational Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

This Imprint potentates the energy vibration of triaxillary dream recognition, as seen and wanted, in highest potential vibrational manifesting.

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