
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fire Seed of Air: Perserverence

(Click images for larger view)

“This is a time to rearrange your plans carefully, and go gain a fresh perspective upon which details are relevant and which are not. Sift the chaff from the wheat.” Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

The feeling of change has moved into a full fire and I have had a day of kundalini, upset stomach, and needing to lay down and relax. This culminated in a very potent transformation and by the next day Robert & I both felt much better and we began actually doing the first 3D piece for the show.

We also started framing up the 22 pieces we have done for the show. It has been a beautiful two days, so we could go out periodically and ground by the river and do our Chi Gong.

We watched Avatar twice and Phillip Glass twice. Listened to Christmas music and read Anam Cara. Transformation is a current that activates the mystery and moves us into an active state of imagination.

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