
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

(Click image for larger view)

“The birth in the next cycle phase (budding) will involve decisions with your family. Prepare the immediate near future now. The degree to which you help “family”, even if only by listening compassionately, is the degree to which you will be assisted in the forthcoming harvest.”, Dr. John Munford, “Magical Tattwas”.

This has been a beautiful day and the nature of it has been support of family, so this amazes me. The deep mystery has so many intricate angles of gestation and this day has felt many of them.

We did our yoga together and meditated to get our systems more aligned with this fast moving time. We did a painting on our sign out front and had coffee with our artist friend from upstairs while we did it.

Then I prepared fresh brussel sprouts and scalloped potatoes for our family, which they picked up on the way home. The kitchen floor is being painted periwinkle blue, so Robert & I will prepare dinner each night, here at the studio, and they will pick it up. It is a fun way to get to see them each day, too.

It is amazing that the alchemical process is so on the mark with your life, when you listen. I find there are so many levels of listening, hearing, and being in the deep mystery. There are many levels of acceptance and much is veiled in order for us to focus on each level.

Hearing-- now quick, do we move with what we hear? How soon do we trust it? How many times do we hesitate, and how long between hesitations and doing? All this has a deficit within it and our life in the mystery is to bring the deficit to Zero.

I find I have less deficit now in some areas, but still larger deficits in others. Each day I ask to see more, accept more quickly, hear more clearly, require less repetition, and never lose my commitment to be wholly fleshed within the mystery.

Family is also the family of ourselves living in every moment.


  1. The support you have given us (your family)has been so invaluable and so appreciated!! -- Between the words of encouragement and inspiration & insight here in these daily blogs to the yummy food you've been preparing for us every day, we have felt nurtured and remained balanced in the midst of these big changes. These, indeed, are days of great mystery -- powerful & intense & poignant -- I feel potentized living within it. I still hesitate much too often & far too long between what I hear from my deep mystery & moving with it than I wish I did. But I know there is hope for me because I'm definitely faster & hesitate less than when I first started on this journey 20 years ago ;) The times when I manage to bring that deficit to zero are pure magic, and keep me aspiring to that in ALL the moments of my life.

  2. Susanna, what beautiful words coming from a deep and wonderful heart.
    love, Mom

  3. Suzanne, thank you, thank you, thank you, these words are precious to my ears. And I love especially where you said "the pure magic".
    love, Su.Sane


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