
Friday, October 22, 2010

Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
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The signal of Earth Seed of Earth is start. “We don’t need more strength or more ability, or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have.” Basil Walsh, From “Magical Tattwas”.

This time is somewhat overwhelming because there is so much new foundation being built and shifted over into that it seems almost as if there is no foundation at all.

Daily life has been so unroutined that the surface I walk on seems like water. There is a tide to this so sometimes it seems like stone, but not solid ground that I step on. I walk among the feelings and words of this time. I feel nurtured by the full expression of purpose as all shifts like castles in the air.

One moment the feeling of the whole, and the other the feeling of only the past. Much seems awakened to this motion and stillness combined. I take time to sit and hear.

There is much to know and this new space of float will require much more air to forgive the aloneness of this needed expression.

Robert & I move closer into each other as we mark this foundation with meaning. What is here is meant, and what is not here is meant. I realize that they are the same in will and purpose. Inside the full memory of full foundation is the beginning and it navigates its way towards us. 

The periwinkle now added to the bathroom floor in our Rockland home will allow more ease of flow and acceptance of the power of small. The change in the studio residence will bring forward more ease and awareness of the now present intensity of an out-pouring of intended grace. 

This grace has given me the easiest flow I have ever felt in communicating, asking, and feeling that is necessary to be in conversation with one’s world. I have asked each thing, each persona, each individual dweller, where it wants to be, and soon I have the answer. 

In this one needs to recognize the life and will in all things, and they will move themselves. Its kind of like in the Sword and the Stone, or Marry Poppins, when the magician asks everything to find its place and they do. Awesome fun.

More color is brought to the surface and the Intended Grace is portal entry made ready for the expression of the completion work for this year’s show, The Coming of Fairies, that we’ll hang December 1st at the Camden Library.

1 comment:

  1. This past week has required so much floating that now that all is done, my head is heavy with dust and fall air and I under go the fear that I have not listened well. Your words help me clear the air and recognize my exactness in movement, as well as trusting the invisible to support us on any surface we find ourselves.


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